When a net force acting on a body is zero then the body is in?

When a net force acting on a body is zero then the body is in?

Balance is achieved only when the net force on the body is equal to zero, thus canceling forces. If this happens, there is no movement of the body along any direction and hence the body is said to be in balance.

Is it balanced when the net force is zero?

The net force = 0. Balanced forces: Balanced forces are considered to be in a state of equilibrium. When forces are balanced there is no change in direction.

What is meant by net force acting on a body?

The net force is defined as is the sum of all the forces acting on an object. Net force can accelerate a mass. Some other force acts on a body either at rest or motion.

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When the net force on an object is zero its acceleration?

Whenever the net force on an object is zero, its acceleration is also zero.

When forces acting on an object are balanced What is zero?

Two or more forces exerted on an object are balanced if their effects cancel each other, and they do not cause a change in the object’s motion. If the forces on an object are balanced, the net force is zero.

What is a net force of zero?

If the net force acting on an object is zero, then the object is not accelerating and is in a state that we call equilibrium. When an object is in equilibrium, then two things can be true: either the object is not moving at all, or the object is moving with a constant speed.

When the net force on an object is zero we say that the two forces are?

When the net force on an object is zero, the two forces are balanced. Balanced forces don’t cause any change axt the motion of an object. Balanced forces are equal and in opposite directions. If the object is not moving and two forces are applied to it that equal zero when combined, then the object will not move.

When the net force on the object is zero the two forces are?

Explanation: The net force is the total amount of force acted on an object. It becomes 0 when the forces are equal, cancelling each other out (or balancing them – same thing).

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What is the net force acting on an object when the acceleration is zero quizlet?

The net force acting on it is zero. If all forces cancel out, the object can remain at rest. Since the velocity is constant, acceleration must be zero, and therefore force must also be zero. A block of mass is acted upon by two forces: (directed to the left) and (directed to the right).

When a net force is acting on an object the object?

If there is a net force acting on an object, the object will have an acceleration and the object’s velocity will change.

When the force acting on an object are balanced the net force is?

If the forces on an object are balanced, the net force is zero. Any time the forces acting on an object are unbalanced, the net force is not zero, and the motion of the object changes.

Can a body have non zero net force with zero velocity?

No, if the net force acting on a body be zero, then the body won’t necessarily be in the rest position. The situation of the net force equal to zero is impossible in reality. When the net force of the body is equal to zero, it implies that the body cannot be accelerated. This follows from Newton’s second law of motion.

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What happens to a body when the net force is zero?

if the body is initially at rest and net force on it is zero the body will continue being in the sate of rest after the application of force If the body is in uniform motion and net external force on body is zero then body will continue its state of uniform motion

What is the state of motion after net external force is zero?

By Newton first law of motion a body continues its state of rest or continuous motion until a net external force is applied on it. So the state after net external force be zero will be dependent on the initial and final velocity of the body.

What happens to an object at rest if the resultant force?

n object at rest remains at rest if there is zero resultant force acting on it. If the resultant force acting on a moving object is zero, the object continues its motion with constant velocity.

Does an object with constant velocity have zero net force?

So when an object is moving at a constant velocity, there is zero force – or, looking at it another way, an object moving at a constant velocity is subject to zero net force. Yes. Any material body, regardless of its mass, will follow a straight line constant speed path if there is no net force on it.