Where do most English speakers live in Israel?

Where do most English speakers live in Israel?

English-speakers form the majority of some Bet Shemesh neighborhoods including Nofei Aviv, Sheinfeld, many areas of Ramat Bet Shemesh, Ramat Shilo and more. One of the few Anglo communities in Israel with diversity in ages.

What should I know before moving to Israel?

10 Things to Know Before Moving to Israel

  • Every Location is Different.
  • Israel Can Be Expensive.
  • The Food is Delicious.
  • Crime is Low.
  • Tel Aviv is Vibrant.
  • There are Incredible Places to See.
  • Society is Segregated.
  • There is Lots to Do.

How do you respond to shalom?

One such word is shalom, which, in everyday usage, can mean either “hello” or “goodbye.” The traditional greeting among Jews is shalom aleichem, peace unto you; to which the response is aleichem shalom, to you, peace.

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Why should you move to Israel?

If you’re moving to Israel, you’ll soon be able to enjoy one of the world’s best locations for spirituality, technological innovation, and climate variety. Whether you’re moving to Israel alone, or moving to Israel with your family, we’ve got you covered, from the best places to live to your healthcare options.

How can I move to Israel from the UK?

Usually, people move to Israel from the UK under the Law of Return, which allows Jewish people and their spouses to easily immigrate to the Holy Land. If that’s your plan, you’ll be able to access public healthcare for your first year in Israel, without necessarily having to pay into Bituach Leumi – the national insurance fund.

What’s it like to live in Israel?

For a country that’s 11 times smaller than the UK, Israel has an astonishing amount of range in its climate, from snow-capped mountains to a huge, arid desert and glorious Mediterranean beaches. Generally though, you’ll experience two seasons: a long, dry, sweltering summer, followed by a cool, windy winter.