Which is more reactive iron or copper Why?

Which is more reactive iron or copper Why?

Iron displaces copper from its solution. Therefore, copper is less reactive than iron. Copper does not displace any metal therefore it is the least reactive.

Why is iron very reactive?

From the atomic structure of iron, its reactivity is mediocre, having two possible forms of bonding in its excited electronic state. Iron is also very easily oxidised by other elements (most of the time), hence iron is naturally found in the form of compounds when mined.

Why is more reactive than copper?

In a reactivity series, the most reactive element is placed at the top and the least reactive element at the bottom. More reactive metals have a greater tendency to lose electrons and form positive ions ….The reactivity series.

Element Reaction with dilute acids
Copper Very slowly
Silver Barely reacts
Gold Does not react
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How can we prove iron is more reactive than copper?

Take some Iron fillings and dip them in the Copper sulphate solution. After some time you will notice that there is a colour change in the solution which is caused due to the displacement of Copper from it solution. This shows that Iron is more reactive than Copper.

Is iron more reactive than copper True or false?

Answer: No, copper is not more reactive than iron.. As you can see ,copper does not displace iron from its solution since it is less reactive than iron. A more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal from its solution.

Is iron reactive than copper?

Copper is less reactive than iron. Since, according to the atomic structure, iron has four unpaired shells in its three sub shells, while copper only has one electron. As a result, iron can react faster than copper.

Is iron very reactive metal?

Silver, gold, and platinum are metals with the least reactivity. They are found in nature….Reactivity Series of metals Chart.

Metal Iron
Symbol Fe
Reactivity Displaces H2 gas from acids only and forms hydroxides.
Extraction Smelting with coke
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Which iron is reactive than copper?

Iron is more reactive than copper. It is above copper in the reactivity series.

Is iron sulphate more reactive than copper?

Explanation: When an iron strip is dipped into a copper sulphate solution (blue), ferrous sulphate is formed (green). This happens because iron displaces the copper from copper sulphate solution and forms iron sulphate. Hence, it can be concluded that iron is more reactive than copper.

Is iron less reactive than copper?

Is iron more reactive than hydrogen?

As we can see that magnesium and iron both are above hydrogen in reactivity series. Therefore, they both are more reactive than hydrogen. Therefore, copper is less reactive and tin is more reactive than hydrogen.

What is the reactivity of iron and copper?

Both iron and copper are considered class III metals with respect to reactivity. In general, you can judge reactivity by an elements place on the periodic table. The further to the left and down are the higher reactivity elements. Iron and copper are on the same row but iron is more left than copper so it is a bit more reactive.

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Why does iron displace copper easily from its salt solution?

This is due to high reactivity of iron which displaces the copper ions from its solution and forms ferrous sulfate solution. B) Iron is high on the reactivity series while copper is present below it.So iron can displace copper easily from its salt solution by showing a change in the color of the solution. Was this answer helpful?

Why is iron less reactive than zinc?

In iron, the 3d orbital is incomplete, meaning the 4s electrons are not shielded completely. They experience a larger nuclear attraction, and therefore are not removed as easily as the zinc 4s electrons. This means iron is less reactive. Was this answer helpful?

What is the difference between iron and copper sulphate?

In iron the nucleus holds the last electrons in its shell tightly and in case of copper the nucleus does not hold the electrons so tightly as iron does. To prove it we can react iron with copper sulphate solution. we find that iron displaces copper easily and iron sulphate solution is formed.