Which is the most reactive metal copper calcium iron magnesium?

Which is the most reactive metal copper calcium iron magnesium?

The order of the given elements in the reactivity series is Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and copper, with calcium being the most reactive and copper being the least reactive.

Which metal is the most reactive among the following?

– So, out of given metals, Potassium is the most reactive metal. Therefore, potassium is the most reactive metal among the given options.

Which metal is more reactive calcium or magnesium?

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These metals are less reactive than the neighboring alkali metal. Magnesium is less active than sodium; calcium is less active than potassium; and so on. These metals become more active as we go down the column. Magnesium is more active than beryllium; calcium is more active than magnesium; and so on.

Which is the most reactive and the least reactive metals from the following calcium copper magnesium?

Gold is the least reactive metal as compared to copper, zinc and magnesium.

Which of the following is most reactive iron copper zinc gold?

Detailed Solution The correct answer is Calcium. Calcium (Ca) is the most reactive metal amongst these. An element’s reactivity decreases while going down the reactivity series. Gold, silver and copper are the least reactive metals and they are also known as noble metals.

Which of the following is most reactive?

Fluorine is the most reactive element among the given elements.

Which is more reactive sodium or calcium?

Sodium is more reactive than Calcium. Sodium needs to loose only 1 electron whereas Calcium needs to loose 2 to achieve Noble gas configuration which is stable state.

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Is magnesium more reactive than copper?

For example, magnesium is more reactive than copper.

Which is more reactive zinc or copper?

Zinc is more reactive than Cu and Fe metal. Iron displaces copper from its solution. Therefore, copper is less reactive than iron. Copper does not displace any metal therefore it is the least reactive.

Is iron more reactive than calcium?

Other metals such as iron, zinc, copper, silver and gold also do not react with cold water, and so are less reactive than calcium.

Is copper the most reactive metal?

In a reactivity series, the most reactive element is placed at the top and the least reactive element at the bottom. More reactive metals have a greater tendency to lose electrons and form positive ions ….The reactivity series.

Element Reaction with dilute acids
Copper Very slowly
Silver Barely reacts
Gold Does not react

Which metal is the most reactive?

(a) Arrange the following metals in order of their chemical reactivity, placing the most reactive metal first: Magnesium, Copper, Iron, Sodium, Zinc, Lead, Calcium. (b) What happens when a rod of zinc metal is dipped into a solution of copper sulphate?

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Which is more reactive copper or aluminium?

Aluminium is located much above in reactivity series of metal than Copper.So, Aluminium is more reactive than Copper. If you like my answer please upvote it and be my follower if possible. Which is the most reactive metal?

What is the long form of the reactivity series of metals?

Long Tabular Form of the Reactivity Series Reactivity Series of Metals Ions Formed Manganese Mn2+ Zinc Zn2+ Chromium Cr3+ Iron Fe3+

Which of the following metals form oxides readily?

While metals such as zinc, aluminum, magnesium, calcium etc. form oxides readily. Hydrogen is a non-metal but still it has been included in the reactivity series as it helps in the comparison of reactivity of metals. Metals present at the top of reactivity series are highly electropositive metals.