Who are some famous real life heroes?

Who are some famous real life heroes?


  • William Kyle Carpenter.
  • James Blunt.
  • Aleksandr Fyodorovich Akimov.
  • Audie Leon Murphy.
  • James Shaw Jr.
  • Former NY Giants Linebacker Cole Farrand.
  • Mamoudou Gassama.
  • Good Samaritans in Arkansas.

Who is a heroic celebrity?

Action stars like Tom Cruise, Tom Hardy, and Harrison Ford have stepped in during real-life crises. Dolly Parton once saved her 9-year-old co-star’s life on set. John Krasinski saved a woman from drowning when he was 17.

Who are some female heroes in real-life?

Here are the 12 women who changed the world

  • Jane Austen (1775 – 1817)
  • Anne Frank (1929 – 1945)
  • Maya Angelou (1928 – 2014)
  • Queen Elizabeth I (1533 – 1603)
  • Catherine the Great (1729 – 1796)
  • Sojourner Truth (1797 – 1883)
  • Rosa Parks (1913 – 2005)
  • Malala Yousafzai (1997 – Present)
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Who is an everyday hero?

The Everyday Hero, is the person who smiles at you on an off day. It is the war veteran fighting for freedom and equality for all. The Everyday Hero is within every single human being on this planet, and is expressed by simple, ordinary actions. Heroes do simple acts; of kindness, courage, and love.

Which actor is a real life hero?

In the Indian subcontinent, however, it was Sonu Sood, who, despite essaying the role of the anti-hero on the silver screen, emerged as a much-revered, highly-celebrated real-life hero whose rescue missions will be remembered for years to come.

Who are some female heroes in real life?

How is Harry Potter a hero?

Harry is a representation of all the best qualities in our society: courage, intelligence, athleticism, and loyalty. He is the standard Classic Hero, the best of the best, the cream of the crop. The guy everyone knows will succeed. The problem is, he’s so good it no longer surprises us when he wins.