Who can own a gun in Vietnam?

Who can own a gun in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, it’s illegal for civilians to own firearms other than shotguns, and those can be held only under restrictive regulations. The results are what we’ve seen every place else officials have tried to disarm their suffering subjects: defiance and illegal manufacture and sale of forbidden goods.

Who supplied the Viet Cong with weapons?

Most of the weapons, uniforms and equipment used by North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces were manufactured by the Soviet Union and China. The portable, shoulder-fired SA-7 Grail missile was one of many anti-aircraft weapons extensively against American aircraft conducting bombing raids in North Vietnam.

Can foreigners own guns in Vietnam?

Vietnam Gun Laws: Civilians are prohibited from possessing firearms. France Gun Laws: In general only sport shooters or hunters may possess firearms, such as shotguns and rifles, with a license. Citizens and foreigners with a residence visa are eligible.

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Can I bring my gun to Vietnam?

No, do not carry a weapon.

Were shotguns used in Vietnam?

Although the Ithaca M37, Stevens M77E, Winchester Model 1200 and Remington Model 870 were the primary “official issue” combat shotguns fielded in Vietnam, there were isolated instances of shotguns purchased from PXs and other private sources being carried “in the field.”

Is it legal for civilians to own fully automatic weapons?

Get your facts straight, it is legal for civilians to own fully automatic weapons in some states. The weapon must have been initially registered by 1986, no new fully auto weapons can be purchased by any civilian. You need to calm down when answering someone’s question you self righteous prick!

How do I get a license to own a fully automatic gun?

In some states, fully automatic weapons are illegal, regardless of whether you are licensed by the federal government. Check with your state authorities before bothering with the federal process. Contact the Bureau of Tobacco and Firearms and request an application for the permit. You should receive it in a few weeks.

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Can the firearm be transferred to a private citizen?

The firearm must have been registered with the BATFE by May 1986- no additional full autos may be transferred to a private citizen.

Can a private citizen own a machine gun in the US?

For example, a private citizen can lawfully own a machine gun only if: the possessor isn’t a “prohibited person,”. the full-auto machine gun was made before 1986, and. their relevant state law does not ban that the firearm (whether banning machine guns outright or any firearm with certain features).