Who does Nick Fury send a message to at the end of Infinity War?

Who does Nick Fury send a message to at the end of Infinity War?

Captain Marvel
Fury managed to send a message via pager to Captain Marvel, which resulted in one giant elephant in the room for the Marvel Cinematic Universe: If Fury had the ability to contact Captain Marvel this whole time, why didn’t he do so every time earth was threatened?

What did Nick Fury text at the end of Infinity War?

“If life is unchecked it will cease to exist,” he says. With his gauntlet firmly in hand, Thanos snaps his fingers and half of the population of the galaxy, including half of our beloved Avengers, disintegrate into dust before our very eyes.

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What happened to Soh LARR in Captain Marvel?

This made Vers realize in horror that she was tricked by the Supreme Intelligence to lead the Skrulls to the Kree Empire, and that Soh-Larr was involved in the plot all the time. It is unknown what happened to Soh-Larr following Starforce’s defeat; either he was killed by the Skrulls or was still detained.

What did Captain Marvel give fury?

The Transmitter Pager
The Transmitter Pager is a communication device used by Nick Fury, an ordinary Earth pager modified by Carol Danvers using Kree technology for use as an instrument of last resort in extreme emergencies.

What did Captain Marvel give Nick Fury?

The film, which had the second biggest box office opening of an MCU film, sees Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) give Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson) a modified pager device, with instructions to only contact her through it in “a real emergency” at the end of the movie.

Why did Nick Fury call Captain Marvel?

The answer as to why Nick Fury didn’t call Captain Marvel sooner, it seems, is that she is the nuclear option and he was waiting for a moment exactly like this to send the message. Without missing a beat, he finds the pager and sends a message to Captain Marvel, wherever she may be.

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Why did Nick Fury call for backup in Captain Marvel?

When Fury and Carol finally team up for the first time, they investigate Pegasus, a joint NASA and USAF project, and Fury calls SHIELD for backup on his normal pager. That’s when Carol takes his pager because he “can’t be trusted” not to keep messing up her mission.

Why does Nick Fury call Captain Marvel after half the universe?

According to the comics, Carol meets Colonel Nick Fury as soon as she transitions from the Air Force to the CIA, and the rest is history. As for why Nick Fury decides to call his old friend after half the universe is vaporized? Basically, Captain Marvel’s powers are key to destroying Thanos in the comics.

What is that strange symbol Nick Fury sent out during the postcredits scene?

If you stayed for the postcredits scene, you’ll know that Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) has sent out a distress signal bearing a rather strange symbol. Turns out it’s the insignia for a supercharged newcomer: Captain Marvel.

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What does Nick Fury’s phone call with Carol Danvers mean?

Either way, Nick Fury’s phone call is basically the crux of the entire universe at this point. It establishes his relationship with Carol Danvers, which we will go back to the ’90s and witness in Captain Marvel. It also opens the gate to Thanos’s weak spot and gives us hope that not all of our favorite heroes are gone for good.

Why did Fury want to destroy the Avengers weapons?

The group of heroes destroyed the weapons before they fell into the wrong hands.The one-shot issue also shows Fury was pushing for Captain America and Iron Man to mend fences, knowing the world would need the full roster of the Avengers again at some point.