Who is smarter Iron Man or Dr Doom?

Who is smarter Iron Man or Dr Doom?

Doctor Doom is pretty much Iron Man’s superior in every way. His armor may look archaic but it can drain the power from a god and allow Doom to use it. Doctor Doom is probably even smarter than Mr. Fantastic, even though his own arrogance holds him back.

Is Doctor Doom the smartest Marvel character?

Some of the characters in this extensive universe of stories are hailed as the smartest in multiple galaxies. One of those brilliant minds is none other than Doctor Victor Von Doom, who is said to be the smartest man on the planet Earth.

What type of scientist is Doctor Doom?

Victor von Doom, Ph. D aka Doctor Doom is a Latverian politician who serves as the Monarch and Supreme Leader for the Kingdom of Latveria. He was scarred from an accident and wears an iron mask and armor to hide his true face. He is considered one of the most brilliant minds and scientists on the planet Earth.

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Who is God doom?

Empowered by the enslaved Molecule Man, Doom became “God Emperor Doom,” ruler of Battleworld. Doom ruled alongside his sheriff, Doctor Strange, and replaced Reed Richards by marrying this world’s Sue Storm and becoming the father of Franklin and Valeria, Reed’s children.

What makes Dr Doom so powerful?

During his time at College, he attempts to create a machine that allows him to communicate to the dead and hopefully reach his mother. It is through the unique blend of mastering both science and sorcery/mysticism that makes Doctor Doom such a powerful being. One that could even rival beings like Thanos and Galactus!

What is jokers IQ?

Jokers’s IQ is estimated to be around 350 (which is insane even in the real world), while Batman’s is around 290. Additionally, the joker has been known to trick Batman numerous times causing him to even doubt himself in some cases.

Why did forge stop using his magic?

Forge designed an artificial hand and leg to replace those that he had lost and, for reasons connected with the war that has not yet been made clear, Forge decided to give up the use of his ability to wield magic. For the most part, Forge did not use his mystical abilities for at least ten years.

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What powers does Forge have in X-Men?

Forge developed considerable mystical powers as a result of the training Naze gave him and was also a mutant with an unusual talent for inventing mechanical devices. Forge has explained that he was an intuitive genius and it was as natural as breathing for him. Forge served in the Vietnam War and lost his right hand and right leg in a B-52 attack.

What happened to forge and storm in X-Men?

Forge and Storm rejoined the X-Men and were captured in the Omniversal Guardian Roma’s Starlight Citadel, that the Adversary had taken over. Forge was forced to use his mystical abilities again to banish the Adversary, using the souls of eight X-Men and Madelyne Pryor-Summers.

Why did Henry Gyrich take Forge?

On presidential orders, Henry Gyrich, an agent of the National Security Council, took possession of the only existing model of Forge’s neutralizer in order to use it against Rogue, a member of the mutant X-Men who was falsely suspected of killing an agent of the intelligence organization S.H.I.E.L.D. .