Who says poetry is twice removed from reality?

Who says poetry is twice removed from reality?

According to Plato’s theory of mimesis (imitation) the arts deal with illusion and they are imitation of an imitation. Thus, they are twice removed from reality. As a moralist, Plato disapproves of poetry because it is immoral, as a philosopher he disapproves of it because it is based in falsehood.

Who said literature or art twice removed from reality?

Hence, he believed that art is twice removed from reality. He gives first importance to philosophy as philosophy deals with the ideas whereas poetry deals with illusion – things which are twice removed from reality. So to Plato, philosophy is superior to poetry.

Why is poetry thrice removed from reality?

The poets’ world is a copy of the world in which he lives. It is thus a replica, blind imitation, a copy of a copy. Thus, Plato declared poetry to be unreal, twice or thrice removed from reality. There is nothing creative as such but is imitative.

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Why did Plato banished poets?

Plato is famous for having banished poetry and poets from the ideal city of the Republic. He banished them because they produced the wrong sort of poetry. To rebut Plato’s critique of poetry, what is needed is not a defence of poetry, but a defence of the freedom of poets to write as, and what, they wish.

WHO criticizes Plato?

Criticism. Karl Popper blamed Plato for the rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century, seeing Plato’s philosopher kings, with their dreams of ‘social engineering’ and ‘idealism’, as leading directly to Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin (via Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Karl Marx respectively).

What is art Plato VS Aristotle?

Plato believes in the existence of the ideal world, where exists a real form of every object found in nature. A work of art –which reflects nature-is twice far from the reality it represents. Aristotle, on the other hand, does not deal with the ideal world, instead he analyses nature.

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Who said art is thrice removed from reality?

Who said it and why? After googling for long 6 seconds I got the answer for who, but for why I had to dig a little deeper. Plato, the great philosopher, the disciple of Socrates, and sensei of Aristotle was the one to bestow these words on us.

What are Plato’s objection to poetry?

As a moralist, Plato disapproves of poetry because it is immoral, as a philosopher he disapproves of it because it is based in falsehood. He is of the view that philosophy is better than poetry because philosopher deals with idea / truth, whereas poet deals with what appears to him / illusion.

What is touchstone in Arnold’s criticism?

A touchstone can be a short passage from recognized masters’ works used in assessing the relative merit of poetry and literature. This sense of the term was coined by Matthew Arnold in his essay “The Study of Poetry”, where he gives Hamlet’s dying words to Horatio as an example of a touchstone.

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How does Aristotle defend poetry?

Thirdly, Aristotle defends poetry against the charges of untruths and impossibilities. Aristotle’s answer to these charges is that poetry is not reality but a higher reality, what ought to be not what is. Poetry gives not reality but the idea of reality in the poet’s mind. Poetry rather gives us Ideal reality.

Who said poets are liars?

PlutarchBefore You Read a Poem, Know that Poets Are Liars (Plutarch) “First of all, it is best to introduce the youth to poems when they have already learned as a watchword the saying that “poets tell many lies,” some willingly, and others unwillingly.”

What famous philosopher taught Aristotle?

Aristotle’s most famous teacher was Plato (c. 428–c. 348 BCE), who himself had been a student of Socrates (c. 470–399 BCE).