Who thinks faster Flash or Superman?

Who thinks faster Flash or Superman?

The Flash is faster than Superman. He has won five of their nine races, with three ties and only one win from Superman. Still, even the fastest Speedster, Wally West, stated that given enough motivation, Superman could get a big enough boost to gain extra speed and become faster than any of the Speedsters.

Does Superman have speed thinking?

Oh, Superman runs around pretty fast, and A lot as well. But either way, he still has to be able to think as fast, if not faster than the speed he is travelling at.

What is Superman’s speed?

Superman can travel 186,000 miles per second, and if needed he can travel at a speed thousand times higher than that.

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How is Superman as fast as The Flash in Justice League?

As they run neck and neck, Superman tells Barry he is just as fast as the Flash, at which point Barry finds a new gear and runs even faster, leaving Superman in the dust. In the comics, The Flash is indeed faster than Superman – which makes sense.

Does Superman have speed force?

He has never used the speedforce, as only speedsters (like Barry Allen or Jay Garrick) can access it. Superman is fast, but he has no access to it himself.

How fast is the Flash Wally West?

Superhuman Speed: Wally is capable of moving at incredible superhuman speeds. He was able to cover 7,000 miles in 6.25 seconds, and even accelerate far beyond light-speed to the point of entering the Speed Force dimension. He is faster than both Superman and Barry Allen, having beaten both in separate races.

Is the flash stronger than Superman?

Wally West, the Flash, may be the self-proclaimed Fastest Man Alive, but he’s officially stronger than Superman in one other important area. The Flash and Superman frequently race in DC Comics, and while Superman is incredibly fast, the Flash is arguably much faster.

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Is the flash faster than Godspeed?

However, he’s also referred to as the fastest speedster who ever lived, which means that he’s faster than the original Flash, Barry Allen. On the small screen, Godspeed’s theoretical velocity is calculated and is said to be 670, 616, 629 miles per hour, or the speed of light.

What superhero is faster than the Flash?

Superman. According to Comic Vine, Superman’s in-space flight speed is superluminal, which means faster than the speed of light. This would make him faster than The Flash. Superman Prime, with thousands of years spent in the sun, can apparently fly at many thousands of times faster than the speed of light.

How can the Flash beat Superman?

While he can’t fly or shoot loser beams, Flash can go faster than Superman and his speed can grant him limitless powers that cannot be grasped even by Superman. Although the internet fanboys make a way bigger deal about Flash’s powers, there is truth that the Speedforce’s unlimited power can confound Superman.

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Can Superman beat the Flash in a race?

Superman may have beaten The Flash in a few comics races, but Wally West reveals the real reason why the Man of Steel could ever come in first. Some nerd debates never end, especially those involving the Scarlet Speedster and Man of Steel. One such hypothetical argument is who would win in a race?

Could the Flash beat Superman?

Flash can beat superman almost everytime and in almost 3 diffrent ways. Flash can go faster than light speed and also faster than superman by a big margin. Flash can take all speed away from superman as he has advantage due to speedforce. Flash can travel back in time when superman arrived on earth as an infant and kill him there in infant stage.