Why am I being gang stalked by other people?

Why am I being gang stalked by other people?

A slightly adjacent theory is, you are being gang stalked because you ticked of a policeman or someone with connections. Again, the message is, if you are being gang stalked it is your own fault for not kow-towing enough to someone walking all over you.

Who are the majority of gang stalking targets?

The majority of gang stalking targets do not know of any reason why they have been targeted. Perhaps a reason is suggested by who the gang stalkers target. The majority are women. Ethnic groups, black and coloured. Homosexuals. The slightly mentally impaired. Working class. People about to receive an inheritance. My goodness!

Is there a relationship between gang stalking and human trafficking?

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A relationship between gang stalking and trafficking has also been drawn. In addition to the categories of people who are usually discriminated against there are two other targets who are gang stalked. Army veterans and a category you might call upright men (of lower social class).

How can I overcome gang-stalking and harassment?

By confronting and solving these two problems — a lack of evidence and overly emotional and irrational responses — you can better empower yourself, and ideally minimize the effects that the gang-stalking and harassment have on you.

How does the stalk follow mob work?

Often, the local network of this mob is connected to a national and international network. When the target travels, the local network will follow the target to the next city or town when the target arrives there, the networking that location will Stalk follow and Harass the target in that city or town.

What is the gangstalking program?

SATAN is the English pronunciation. The GANGSTALKING program is designed to psychologically manipulate and physically manipulate the life of the Targeted Individual. The community around the Targeted Individual will be manipulated to HATE.

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What is Level 3 gang stalking?

3. GANGSTALKED (CONFRONTATION And ENGAGEMENT) At this level, the GANSTALKERS enter the personal space of the Targeted Individual in some cases for insincere intimate relationships and insincere friendships. The GANGSTALKERS want to CONFRONT and ENGAGE the Targeted Individual in person through conversation and interaction.

Did you ever hear of gang stalking before 2008?

Prior to 2008 I had never heard of “gang stalking,” until the subject came to my attention on several occasions during a particular time period through different avenues. First it was a guy who has a blog called “Targeted Individual,” who links to some stuff on my site. “Targeted individual?”

How did the gangstalking theory begin?

The gangstalking theory began when hundreds, then thousands of people with medical conditions that cause paranoid delusions found each other on the internet, bonded over their shared delusions, and worked together to form a common narrative for their daily experience.