Why are field lines curved?

Why are field lines curved?

When you have a combination of charges, the field line curves because the attraction or repulsion from the different charges changes at different distances from it.

Why is electric field uniform in parallel plates?

It is precisely because the field strength diminishes like 1/r^2 with distance from a point charge that when a charge is spread uniformly over parallel plates that have a large radius compared to their separation that the field strength over a fairly large part of the region between the plates is nearly uniform.

Can a uniform electric field be curved?

This means that the overlapping curved field lines will average out as a straight field line, through the middle of the point-charge pairs. The outermost edges of the electric field, on the other hand, will have nothing to interfere with, and remain curved.

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Are electric field lines straight or curved?

Electric field lines never intersect. In an uniform electric field, the field lines are straight, parallel and uniformly spaced. The electric field lines can never form closed loops, as line can never start and end on the same charge. These field lines always flow from higher potential to lower potential.

When electric field lines are curved the electric field at any point?

When electric field lines are curved, the electric field at any point is tangent to the field line at that point. Two nuclei each contain two protons and exert a force 4 N on each other.

What is uniform and nonuniform electric field?

If an electric field has the same magnitude and same direction everywhere in a given space then this electric field is uniform, and if either the magnitude or direction or both change then it is a non-uniform electric field in that specified space.

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What are the electric field lines like in between two parallel plates of opposite charge?

As shown in Example 22.8, the electric field E between two oppositely charged parallel conducting plates is uniform i.e. it has the same magnitude and direction everywhere between the plates.

Are electric field lines parallel?

Why are electric field lines not closed curves?

If the electric field lines form a closed loop, these lines must originate and terminate on the same charge which is not possible because electric field lines always move from positive to negative. Therefore, we say electrostatic field lines never form closed loops.

Under what condition the electric lines of force are curved?

Under what conditions, the electric lines of force are curved? Electric lines of force due to two equal positive point charges: electric dipole. In this case are directed outwards and the electric lines of force are curved.

Why is electric field non uniform?

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When magnitude and direction of electric intensity are not the same at all the points in the electric field, then it is called a non-uniform electric field.