Why are hydrogen fuel cells inefficient?

Why are hydrogen fuel cells inefficient?

The reason why hydrogen is inefficient is because the energy must move from wire to gas to wire in order to power a car. This is sometimes called the energy vector transition. To power an FCEV, that energy has to be converted into hydrogen, possibly by passing it through water (the electrolysis process).

What is wrong with hydrogen fuel cells?

The two prime dangers from fuel cell and hydrogen-powered vehicles are the danger of electrical shock and the flammability of the fuel. Fuel cells power vehicles by electro-chemically combining hydrogen gas (H2) and oxygen (O2) from the surrounding air into water (H20) and electrical energy.

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Are hydrogen fuel cells less efficient?

Hydrogen-powered fuel cells are not only pollution-free, but also can have more than two times the efficiency of traditional combustion technologies.

How effective are hydrogen fuel cells?

3. Improved Efficiency. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, hydrogen fuel cells are generally between 40-60\% energy efficient. This range compares to the typical internal combustion engine of a car which is about 25\% energy efficient.

Why are fuel cells more efficient than combustion?

Fuel cells are more efficient than combustion engines as they operate at a higher thermodynamic efficiency. Combustion engines must first convert their fuel into heat, then into mechanical energy, and finally into electricity. Fuel cells skip those intermediary steps.

What’s the efficiency of a hydrogen fuel cell?

40-60 percent
Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, which use electric motors, are much more energy efficient and use 40-60 percent of the fuel’s energy — corresponding to more than a 50\% reduction in fuel consumption, compared to a conventional vehicle with a gasoline internal combustion engine.

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What are the limitations of fuel cells?

In respect to fuel cell itself, there are four (4) limitations; cost, durability, size and weight, thermal and water management, whereas in hydrogen handling there are there (3); hydrogen production, hydrogen delivery and hydrogen storage.

What are pros and cons of hydrogen fuel cells?

Hydrogen fuel cells Pros: No vehicle emissions other than water vapor. Fuel economy equivalent to about twice that of gasoline vehicles. Hydrogen is abundant, and can be made from renewable energy. Cons: This space-age technology is expensive.

What are the limitations of hydrogen fuel cells?

List of Disadvantages of Hydrogen Fuel Cells

  • It is expensive. While widely available, hydrogen is expensive.
  • It is difficult to store. Hydrogen is very hard to move around.
  • It is not easy to replace the existing infrastructure.
  • It is highly flammable.
  • Fossil fuels are often used to produce it.