Why are the clones good in Star Wars?

Why are the clones good in Star Wars?

The Clone Troopers were a Trojan horse. Each trooper was programmed to obey the Chancellor Of The Republic and his or her designated agents. Since Chancellor Palpatine authorized the Jedi through the granted powers of his office command of the troopers, they were considered good guys during the Separatist crisis.

Why are battle droids so weak?

They’re processing several years of mission requirements and information when they’re supposed to be wiped and reset with new directives every couple missions at the most, and the lack of these needed resets leads B1 battle droids to become a bit…. eccentric, which cuts down their combat effectiveness.

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What was the purpose of the clone army?

It was then that he secretly commissioned a clone army to defend the Galactic Republic without telling the Jedi Council. At this point, Darth Sidious made the clone army part of his plan to take control of the Senate. He ordered his apprentice, Count Dooku, to kill Sifo-Dyas.

Why did the Separatists lose?

The only reason they really lost was because a traitor, Count Dooku, was leading the Separatists into defeat. Even in the last week of the Clone Wars, the Separatists had the ability to drop a fleet on Coruscant and abduct the Chancellor.

Why did Palpatine get rid of clones?

They were too expensive, too much trouble, and they were not needed anymore. It took ten years to get a viable clone warrior and they had to be fed, clothed, housed, raised, and trained during all of that time.

Could the CIS won the Clone Wars?

They were never meant to win the war. The Sepratists purpose was to create an excuse for the clone army to be serviced, more powers given to Palpatine and a bunch of other reasons. So no, they didn’t. They were means to an end.

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What are the military applications of cloning in Star Wars?

The military applications of cloning were further exploited by the New Order through the creation of countless more clone soldiers, all used mainly for the sole purpose of spreading and enforcing Imperial hegemony throughout the galaxy .

Why didn’t the Old Republic have an army before the Clone Wars?

The Star Wars prequel trilogy revealed the Old Republic had no army of its own before the Clone Wars – and there’s a clever reason for this. The Star Wars prequel trilogy introduced the Galactic Republic as a force for good in the galaxy – but why didn’t they maintain a regular army prior to the Clone Wars?

What happened to the clone troopers after the Clone Wars?

Rather, they stayed in the army, helping to cement the power of the Empire. The end of the Clone Wars was meaningless to the clone troopers. They were given no down time— they were just thrown into the next phase of Palpatine’s plan, becoming the faceless legions of the Empire.

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How did the Jedi treat the clones?

While many Jedi treated the clones well, there were Jedi like Pong Krell, who didn’t care about their lives at all and almost gleefully threw them away. The fact that the Jedi were completely okay with clones fighting and dying for them with few questions asked show how little anyone thought of them. 3 They Were Fitted With Mind Control Chips