Why can two different elements have the same number of neutrons?

Why can two different elements have the same number of neutrons?

Atoms are neutral in electrical charge because they have the same number of negative electrons as positive protons (Table 2.4. 1). Therefore, the atomic number of an atom also tells you how many electrons the atom has….Atomic Number.

Name Helium
Neutrons 2
Electrons 2
Atomic Number (Z) 2

Can two atoms have the same number of electrons but different number of neutrons?

Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons but the same number of protons and electrons. The difference in the number of neutrons between the various isotopes of an element means that the various isotopes have different masses.

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Can two different elements have similar atoms?

Two different elements may have similar atoms – This statement is True.

Can atoms of different elements have the same atomic number?

All atoms of a chemical element have the same atomic number (number of protons in the nucleus) but may have different mass numbers (from having different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus).

Do atoms of different elements have different masses?

What makes two atoms different elements?

Two atoms of the same element can be different if their electrons are in different states. If one copper atom has an electron in an excited state and another copper atom has all of its electrons in the ground state, then the two atoms are different.

Is it possible for two atoms of the same element to have two different atomic masses explain?

Explanation: iso means the same like in triangles (isosceles) so the atoms are the same element but different in mass. Since the isotopes have the same number of protons and electrons the isotopes have much the same chemical behavior. Since the isotopes have different numbers of neutrons the nuclear behavior differs.

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Are atoms different in different elements?

No. Although two such atoms are essentially chemically identical (they will chemically react in the same way), they are not completely identical. The nucleus of an atom contains neutrons and protons bonded tightly together. The same chemical element can have a different number of neutrons and still be the same element.

Is the number of protons and neutrons always the same?

The number of protons in the nucleus of every atom of an element is always the same, but this is not the case with the number of neutrons. Atoms of the same element can have a different number of neutrons.

What are the characteristics of isotopes of an element?

The isotopes haveno neutrons, fewer neutronsthan protons, the same number as protons, or more than the number of protons. The isotopes havea chance of being stable for light elements if there are the same number of neutronsas protons, and for heavier elements a lot more neurons than protons.

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Which of the following nuclides are isotones?

Two nuclides are isotones if they have same neutron number but different proton number e.g. boron−12 and carbon−13 both contain 7 neutrons so they are isotones. Was this answer helpful?