Why did Lupin wait so long?

Why did Lupin wait so long?

Remus was apparently sleeping so deeply that he did not notice Harry’s attempt to wake him up to buy some food from the Honeydukes Express, but swiftly awoke to deal with a Dementor who was prowling in their cabin in search for the runaway Sirius. Was Lupin really asleep on the train on the way to Hogwarts?

How did Lupin attend Hogwarts as a werewolf?

At the age of 4, he was bitten by the foul werewolf Fenrir Greyback when his father-Lyall Lupin- insulted all werewolves. However, when Albus Dumbledore became headmaster, he let Lupin go to Hogwarts. He had a tunnel built so that Lupin could sneak out of the school during the times when he became a werewolf.

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Why is Hogwarts in Scotland?

Hogwarts in the Scottish Highlands In the Harry Potter books, Hogwarts is set in the Scottish Highlands, which is one of the main reasons why there are so many Scottish locations in the films. There are extraordinary hiking trails in the Highlands, as well as scenic drives and jaw-dropping viewpoints.

What does Professor McGonagall do to surprise Harry?

But instead of punishing him, McGonagall introduces him to Oliver Wood, captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, explaining that Harry will make an excellent Quidditch player.

Is RJ Lupin Sirius Black?

The summer before Remus began his tenure as the Defence professor, Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban. Remus, like the rest of the wizarding world, believed that Sirius had betrayed the Potters to Voldemort and murdered Peter Pettigrew.

Why did Snape get Lupin fired?

Snape thought Sirius wanted to murder Harry. Snape thought Lupin was helping Sirius to sneak into Hogwarts and then yes murder Harry. So of course Snape wanted Lupin out the castle, based on the information he had he believed he was saving Harry’s life.

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What year did Remus Lupin teach at Hogwarts?

Remus taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts during the 1993–1994 school year. Remus was regarded by students to be the best Defence teacher they have had thus far.

Why was Professor Lupin on the train with Harry?

Lupin the defence Professor was on the train to protect the students, namely Harry so they all arrived safely at Hogwarts. I know that some of the teachers (Trelawny for example) live at the school in addition to teaching there, so they probably wouldn’t be on the train.

Do teachers take the train to Hogwarts?

It proves that teachers do take the train, or at least some of them do, they just don’t mix with students while on the train: Professor H. E. F. Slughorn. Sirius Black had escaped and it was assumed he’d attack Harry. Lupin the defence Professor was on the train to protect the students, namely Harry so they all arrived safely at Hogwarts.

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What happened to Remus Lupin’s friends after the war?

However, Pettigrew betrayed James and Lily Potter to Lord Voldemort a week after he was made the couples’ Secret Keeper. Thus Remus had lost all of his closest friends in various ways by the end of the First Wizarding War. The loss of his friends devastated him, though he and Sirius Black later rekindled their friendship.