Why did Robb have to marry Talisa?

Why did Robb have to marry Talisa?

Firstly, Robb was raised in an interfaith home – Ned takes the Old Gods, but Catelyn, as a Tully, keeps the New Gods. Winterfell had a Septa, who at least taught Arya and Sansa, and so the Stark children have grown-up around both religions. Robb & Talisa wanted to marry quickly, and weren’t in the North.

Why did Robb Stark marry Jeyne Westerling?

In the books, he married Jeyne Westerling. She is a daughter of a minor lord in the Westernlands. When Robb was wounded, she was the one who nursed him back to health and they made love. He married her to protect her honor and well, they just fell in love.

Was Robb Stark’s wife pregnant?

After sharing an intimate moment, Robb and Talisa discuss their plans after the war in the North. Shortly after she asks Robb if he will come to Volantis with her so that her family can meet him… and their child, revealing that she is pregnant.

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Who killed Talisa?

Lothar Frey
Lord Roose Bolton, personally killed the injured Robb Stark with a dagger thrust to the heart. “Lame” Lothar Frey, stabbed Queen Talisa Stark to death.

Why did Robb Stark marry Talisa Stark?

“Love is the death of duty”. Robb Stark married Talisa because he thought her to be a brave and passionate woman who gave up her Lady life to heal the wounds of the war victims. He was probably attracted to her character and her independent ways and didn’t think twice about the consequences of going with his heart.

Are Robb and Talisa from Game of Thrones married before the seven?

Robb and Talisa are married by a Septon, a practitioner of the Faith of the Seven, and the vows they say to one another – which reference the Seven Gods – are yet further confirmation that they are being married before the Seven. The problem a lot of fans have with this is that Robb, being of the North and Ned Stark’s son, takes the Old Gods.

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What information does Robb tell Talisa about his father?

Walking together, Robb tells Talisa about his father. On their way back from the Crag, Robb and Talisa are walking together, their horses being led behind them. Talisa asks him about the girl he is to marry. Is she pretty, what is her name?

What is Talisa doing in Robb’s field tent?

Talisa comes to the doorway of Robb’s field tent, he has been meeting with his bannermen, only Roose Bolton is left and he excuses himself. She looks tired and disheveled and wears her healing apron, while she wipes the blood from her hands.