Why didnt Sauron just make another ring?

Why didnt Sauron just make another ring?

Short Answer: the One Ring was both tied to the other rings of power and imbued with Sauron’s own might. He couldn’t make another one with the same power and influence. Sauron had invested so very much of his inherent power and essence in the first Ring.

Why can’t Gandalf carry the Ring?

Gandalf states exactly in the text of the Lord of the Rings why he can’t take the ring. Because he can not resist the will to ‘do good’ with the coercive force/domination power the ring represents.

Why did Sauron make the other rings?

It was part of Sauron’s scheme to ensnare and enslave the users of all the rings of power and so control the Noldor of Middle-earth. Sauron planned for the domination of all of Middle-earth and he needed/wanted to control the Elves to complete this plan. This was the reason for the forging of the One Ring.

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Why is Sauron not invisible?

Olsen said that the reason Sauron does not turn invisible when he puts on the Ring is because, quite simply, he does not have a body. At least, not in the normal sense anyway. Sauron was a Maia. Maiar spirits are angel-like beings that are very powerful and have existed since the beginning of time.

Why didn’t the Fellowship take the one ring to Mount Doom?

So why didn’t the Fellowship just hike to some volcano on the far side of Harad, or get a dwarven guide to take them deep under some mountains, and cast the One Ring into the lava there? You are mistaken. Not any volcano would do, nor could dragonfire destroy the One Ring. Mount Doom had magical significance, since the Ring was forged there.

Why didn’t Gandalf give the ring to the Eagles?

That’s my “extrapolated from the given information” reasoning, at least. There’s a new theory as to why the eagles weren’t used here, which seems plausible. Gandalf did intend to take the ring to the Eagles, but kept the plan to himself so that word couldn’t get to Sauron.

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Could Gwaihir have dropped the one ring from Mount Doom?

Not only would their flight above Mount Doom cause a stir in Sauron’s forces, but there is no physical way for Gwaihir to drop the One Ring precisely into the Cracks of Doom. Not just into the fires of Mount Doom, you see, but in the exact spot in the mountain where the One Ring was forged.

How do you destroy the ring of Doom in The Hobbit?

There is only one way: to find the Cracks of Doom in the depths of Orodruin, the Fire-mountain, and cast the Ring in there, if you really wish to destroy it, to put it beyond the grasp of the Enemy for ever.’ I would also dispute the idea that the Dwarves ever delved down into magma.