Why do narcissists not let you leave?

Why do narcissists not let you leave?

Narcissists hate losing their supply of attention, so they won’t let you go easily. Prepare for them to promise “to change.” They might suddenly start doing things for you that you’d been complaining about. They may say “you’ll be lost without me,” or “you’ll never find someone like me.”

Why do narcissists never leave you alone?

Narcissists don’t want you to move on from the relationship or from the pain they inflicted. They intend to keep you thinking about them- even if those thoughts are negative. They are wired to crave the attention of others. Without the attention, they often feel completely empty.

Do narcissist ever give up?

Narcissists rarely give up power willingly. Narcissists usually never willingly give up power. Sometimes they would rather destroy their own companies with the attitude of “if I can’t have it, no one can.” It doesn’t matter that it will ultimately hurt them the most.

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Do narcissists ever let go of you after you leave?

Narcissists never let go of you after you leave. Unmasking them will prevent them from using the hoovering method but they will always hold a grudge against you until the day that they die.

Can you break up with a narcissist without going no contact?

Closure in a relationship with a a narcissist is challenging regardless of whether we decide to finally go no-contact with them, or they leave abruptly (which is always the way they leave if they decide to do so). There are multiple ways that a “break-up” with a narcissist may occur.

Is there a final discard when dealing with a narcissist?

There’s not really a such thing as a final discard when dealing with a narcissist especially if you were a Grade-A energy source, married to the narcissist or if you have children from the narcissist.

Do you feel stuck in a toxic relationship with a narcissist?

Sometimes you might find yourself in a situation where a toxic narcissist, constantly seeks to keep you closer to him no matter how hard you try to push him away. In this case, you might feel stuck in the toxic relationship not knowing what to do to make the narcissist discard you and leave you alone.