Why have you come here meaning?

Why have you come here meaning?

Why have you come here means— that person is present there .

Did your friend came or come?

When did you come? is the correct answer. because “did” refers to past tense and “come” is an present perfect tense , the second sentence when did you came wont fit in the line since “came” is simple past. Two past words cant make a correct meaning when they are joined together.

Is on here correct?

“Be skeptical of what you read on here” is correct for this website. “On here” refers to like websites and stuff, “In here” refers to places, and being “in” somewhere.

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Why did you came here or come here?

The first sentence, “why did you came here?” is grammatically wrong in English as the sentence requires a past perfect verb, so “why did you come here?” You came here – is past tense. “You have come here” is present perfect, You had come here is past perfect.

Has he come here which type of sentence?

Answer: It is type of Interrogative sentence.

What is the correct tense for when she came I write a letter?

Answer: when she came ,I written a letter.

When did you came correct the sentence?

You should use ‘Did you come’, because ‘Did you came’ is simply ungrammatical. Past tense requires only the main part of the verb to be in Aug 29, 2014 “When did you come?” is correct. It is NOT “When you came?” or “When did you came?”.

Is got bad grammar?

There’s nothing wrong with “get” or “got” in certain contexts and genres of writing. For instance, if you are quoting someone, whatever that person said, even if it’s improper grammar, is correct. In formal writing, however, it should probably be ill advised to use.

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How do you check a sentence for correct grammar?

When you check the sentence for correct grammar, you need to analyze the relationship between each word, the clauses, the punctuation used, and how the structure of the sentence comes together. It takes not just time and effort but a level of knowledge that people often don’t have. Of course, you can try to check the word choice using different

How to obtain correct sentence in your writings?

Correct sentence in your writings can cater well for the purpose, but obtaining this correctness is nowadays redefined through our online software grammar tool. We regularly witness the content demands of the world and all these needs deserve having quality content too.

What are the rules for building a grammatically correct sentence?

5 Rules for Building a Grammatically Correct Sentence The sentence must contain a subject and a verb, otherwise, it will be considered a sentence fragment, not a complete… Two complete sentences cannot be joined without proper punctuation. Such a mistake is called a run-on sentence. Even if… The

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Why is it important to correct the sentencegrammar?

Knowing how to correct the sentencegrammar is essential because you will never make a good sentence if you always bad grammar. Take note that grammar makes your paper easy to read and when you have many errors on it, you will definitely not impress your readers, that is why exerting enough time to check for your mistakes is required.