Why Indians are not interested in sports?

Why Indians are not interested in sports?

The wealthy in India usually keep themselves away from sports, because playing sports requires sweating. Instead, they overeat and become lazy and have no interest in games whatsoever.

Why is cricket not popular outside India?

A few reasons – weather, length of the games, availability of other games. Cricket in the shortest format is nearly one day affair. All the other competing games are 1.5 to two hours per game, be it soccer, ice hockey, basketball, baseball.

Why cricket is popular in India than other sports?

For cricket, Indians have the strength and physical fitness or attributes that allow the, to play this sport competitively. The popularity of cricket in India simply means that it could easily be translated into money. There are many ways that Indians can gain money or extra income from this sport.

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Why India is backward in Olympics?

Combining that with poor food habits, inept coaching, terrible rehab facilities, increasing competition in schools, shortage of exercise with physical education, long commutes from work and a lack of awareness of many Olympic sports results in many talents getting wasted.

Why India is not getting medals in Olympics?

And the biggest reason for this is the lack of trust in India’s sporting culture. Our country has won only 35 medals in 29 Olympic Games so far, and this number is inclusive of Gold, Silver and Bronze medals.

Are Indians losing interest in cricket?

Yes I have lost a lot of interest in cricket. The problem with cricket is that it has become too saturated. There are too many fans, too many leagues, too many players and too many teams. And not to forget the money mindedness of the sponsors and the cricketing boards, especially BCCI.

Why cricket is not popular in world?

The most logical and probable reason for the non-popularity of cricket in the North American countries is the contemporary rise of baseball. The rise of popularity of baseball and the decline are temporally consistent which marks some truth to this theory.

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Why is cricket overrated in India?

India, being the second most populous country in the world, has huge human resources and thus the potential to do well in all sports, not just cricket. But, cricket has overshadowed the rest. Too much hype around cricket has blocked the growth and popularity of other sports, leading to poor infrastructure.