Why is Deep Space Nine so good?

Why is Deep Space Nine so good?

While other Star Trek shows mostly functioned on a episode-by-episode basis, DS9 was the first to change that and create a more consistent storyline. Plots build up for multiple episodes. This made it feel more like a sci-fi drama than just a sci-fi adventure show. As the series got on, more choices had repercussions.

Is Deep Space Nine all a dream?

Deep Space Nine was a story that tied into other elements of the Star Trek universe. Unless the entire saga was just a dream, the dream sequence wouldn’t work. This isn’t to say the pitch was a bad one, it was a great story and undoubtedly would have been a beautiful ending. Benny Russell won.

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Why does Deep Space Nine look worse?

Visual effects were produced at the lowest resolution they could get away with without it looking too bad. They faced considerable resistance from UPN when they wanted to switch to widescreen, let alone HD. After the budget was cut in the final season, they stopped shooting on film and switched to digital cameras.

How long is a day on Deep space 9?

26 hours
Bajor. Bajor (/ˈbeɪʒɔːr/ or /ˈbeɪdʒɔːr/) is the homeworld of the Bajorans. Bajor is a Class M planet with five moons. A day on Bajor lasts 26 hours, and Deep Space Nine also follows a 26-hour day.

Is Benny Russell real?

Benny was an American science fiction author and ex-naval serviceman living in 1950s New York City who wrote in the Incredible Tales magazine.

Is Sisko real?

Benjamin Lafayette Sisko is a fictional character in the Star Trek franchise. He appears in the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (DS9). The character was featured prominently on the television show between 1993 and 1999, which aired on syndicated television in the United States.

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Should I watch Deep Space Nine or Voyager first?

Chronologically DS9, then VOY. Yeah do DS9 first. Then the maquis, Voyager’s origional mission and a few other episodes will make a lot more sense. In my opinion they are both worth watching.

Why are Star Trek days 26 hours?

In Story Explanation: It takes Bajor approximately 26 hours to rotate on its axis and the Bajorans defined their day accordingly. Since Deep Space Nine was a Bajoran station, it followed Bajoran time. Behind the Scenes Explanation: It was a cheap and easy way to reinforce that DS9 took place at an alien world.

How long does it take to get to Earth from DS9?

So at warp six, it should take just about 56 days to get from DS9 to Earth… going with a distance of 60 light years.