Why is it not possible to prepare a standard solution of NaOH?

Why is it not possible to prepare a standard solution of NaOH?

Sodium hydroxide is deliquescent (absorbs moisture from the atmosphere) solid. It cannot be weighed accurately. Therefore, it is not possible to prepare a standard solution of sodium hydroxide of accurately known concentration by weighing NaOH.

Can we use H2SO4 for preparing original solution?

An original solution cannot be prepared by sulphuric acid because of two reasons. One is its oxidizing nature and second is it forms insoluble sulphates on reaction with some basic radicals like Pb2+,Ca2+,Sr2+ .

Why standard solution of NaOH and H2SO4 Cannot be accurately prepared in the laboratory?

(a) sodium hydroxide is deliquescent. It absorbs moisture and dissolves to form a solution. Hence, the concentration of this alkaline solution is not accurate.

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How do you make a standard solution of H2SO4?

Preparation and Standardization of 0.1 M Sulphuric Acid

  1. Add slowly, with stirring, 6 ml of Sulphuric acid to about 800 ml of purified water.
  2. Makeup to 1000 ml with purified water.
  3. Allow cooling at 25°C.

Why is sodium hydroxide not used as a primary standard?

Such acid–base reactions can also be used for titrations. However, sodium hydroxide is not used as a primary standard because it is hygroscopic and absorbs carbon dioxide from air.

How do you prepare a standard solution of NaOH?

Sodium Hydroxide Solution Preparation

  1. Take about 100ml of distilled water in a cleaned and dried 1000 ml volumetric flask.
  2. Add about 4.2 gm of Sodium hydroxide with continues stirring.
  3. Add more about 700ml of distilled water, mix and allow to cool to room temperature.
  4. Make up the volume 1000 ml with distilled water.

Why H2SO4 is not used in flame test?

H2SO4 and HNO3 is not used because the sulphate and nitrate salts are less volatile and even decompose on the flame giving oxide which less ionisable.

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Why Sulphuric acid is not used in above gas preparation method?

Dilute sulphuric acid will react to produce hydrogen gas. Increasing the concentration will increase the rate of reaction. Since the product is in another phase (hydrogen is a gas) too rapid a reaction brings a risk of overpressurization and explosion.

Why HCl is not primary standard?

Answer: There are three main reasons why HCl is not suitable as a primary standard: HCl is not a solid at room temperature and pressure. HCl cannot be obtained at a very high purity. HCl does not have a high molecular mass.

Can we standardize H2SO4 using NaOH?

It is an acid-base titration. The sulfuric acid is an acid whose strength changes over time and it can be effectively standardized utilizing pre-standardized sodium hydroxide. H2SO4 react with NaOH in presence of methyl orange indicator. The color changes from yellow to orange at the end point.

How do you dilute H2SO4 solution?

After the solid is completely dissolved, dilute the solution to a final volume with deionized (distilled) water. we will need to dilute 5.56 mL of 96 \% H2SO4 to a final volume with deionized (distilled) water. Transfer the prepared solution to a clean, dry storage bottle and label it. Never store solutions in a volumetric flask.

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What is the available concentration of H2SO4?

In general, the available concentration of H2SO4 is 1 c ( H2SO4)=1~2molL-l. If the acidic concentration is too high, it will result in 2 decomposition of KMnO4: 4MnO4- + 12H+ 4Mn2+ + 5O2 + 6H2O

Why is it impossible to prepare a primary standard solution of NaOH?

There are two reasons: NaOH + CO2 → NaHCO3 or 2NaOH + CO2 → Na2CO3 + H2O . This also results in a gain in mass.It is therefore impossible to prepare a primary standard solution of NaOH

What is a standard solution in chemistry?

A standard solution means you know the exact actual concentration of the solution.. HCl to NaOH is 1:1 ratio, because they both a strong acid/base which will dissociate completely. In another word, they will completely consumed & neutralised in this experiment.