Why is it possible to translate from one language to another?

Why is it possible to translate from one language to another?

The first thing to remember is that translation is the transfer of meaning from one language to another. This is because languages are not just different words. Different languages also have different grammar, different word orders, sometimes even words for which other languages do not have any equivalents.

Is Chinese hard to translate?

Chinese is a tonal language, which means most words have several meanings based on the tone. Since tones are auditory-based, it makes it difficult to translate on paper. The translator must have a clear understanding of the context to translate the correct meaning of every word.

How long does it take to translate 1000 Chinese words?

How many hours does it take to translate 1000 words?

Translation project word count Expected turnaround
Up to 1000 words 1~2 days
1000~3000 words 2~3 days
3000~4000 words 3~4 days
4000~5000 words 4~5 days
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What causes Chinglish?

Foreign Language Department, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. It claims that Chinglish is mainly caused by syntactic transfer from Chinese, the influence of Chinese thought patterns, inadequate exposure to authentic English and insufficient practice in English writing.

Can languages be translated?

There are more than 7,000 languages in the world, 4,000 of which are written. Yet only 100 or so can be translated by automated tools such as Google Translate. But many other languages still defy machine translation, including languages spoken by millions of people, such as Wolof, Luganda, Twi and Ewe in Africa.

What makes translation possible?

Translation is the transfer of conceptual knowledge from one language into another. It is the transfer of one set of symbols denoting concepts into another set of symbols denoting the same concepts. This process is possible because concepts have specific referents in reality.

Why is Korean language hard?

Korean grammar has different rules to build sentences. Objects, subjects, and verbs are in different places in sentences in comparison to English. The third and far most important reason, which makes Korean is one of the most difficult languages to translate, is the culture.

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What is the most difficult language?

Mandarin As mentioned before, Mandarin is unanimously considered the toughest language to master in the world! Spoken by over a billion people in the world, the language can be extremely difficult for people whose native languages use the Latin writing system.

How much can you translate in a day?

A translator working with a hard copy may only be able to translate 1,800 words each day. A translator who works with electronic formats and a suitable translation memory may be able to translate words ranging from 2,500 to 3,000 per working day.

How fast can you translate?

Most experts agree, however, that under the right conditions you can expect to achieve between 2,000 and 2,500 words per day of new translation.

Why can’t we return people to the Moon?

Astronauts often say the reasons humans haven’t returned to the lunar surface are budgetary and political hurdles, not scientific or technical challenges. Private companies like Blue Origin and SpaceX may be the first entities to return people to the moon.

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Should we build a permanent human research station on the Moon?

“A permanent human research station on the moon is the next logical step. It’s only three days away. We can afford to get it wrong and not kill everybody,” Chris Hadfield, a former astronaut, previously told Business Insider. “And we have a whole bunch of stuff we have to invent and then test in order to learn before we can go deeper out.”

Should NASA make returning to the Moon a priority?

Today, most Americans think NASA should make returning to the moon a priority. More than 57\% of nationwide respondents to an INSIDER poll in December 2018 said returning to the moon is an important goal for NASA, but only about 38\% said that living, breathing humans need to go back.

When was the last time a human was on the Moon?

Apollo 11 astronauts planted a flag on the moon on July 20, 1969.NASA The last time a person visited the moon was in December 1972, during NASA’s Apollo 17 mission. Over the decades, NASA has planned to send people back to the moon but has yet to succeed.