Why is the quality of Google Translate so bad?

Why is the quality of Google Translate so bad?

Google translate fails very badly in case of idioms and in case of compound sentences. The meaning gets distorted because of the word by word translation and because of retaining the same order of phrases in the target language as in English.

Is there anything more accurate than Google Translate?

Linguee. An equally user-friendly and effective alternative to Google Translate is the translation tool Linguee. Offering a sleek user interface and up to 25 languages, Linguee is a practical option when it comes to translating from one language to another.

How do I make Google Translate better?

To improve your language, you can assess or suggest changes to translations in Google Translate….Assess & suggest translations

  1. Click to assess the translation, or choose Suggest an edit.
  2. Enter a new translation in the text box.
  3. Click Submit.
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Is it bad to use Google Translate?

Google Translate should never be used for translating highly-sensitive content that contains personal data or other important information. Once you enter the text in the tool, it becomes property of Google, and they can use the data to their discretion.

Is Google Translate sexist?

Biased algorithms To the dismay of their creators, AI algorithms often develop racist or sexist traits. Google Translate has been accused of stereotyping based on gender, such as its translations presupposing that all doctors are male and all nurses are female. Ideally, the textual data we show AI won’t contain bias.

Is Google Translate being shut down?

Google Translator Toolkit will be discontinued starting December 4, 2019, according to an announcement by Google on September 20.

Can I earn money from Google Translate?

Please be informed improving Google Translate database for your favorite language(s) is purely a voluntary effort and you don’t get paid in cash or kind.