Why is the South Pole a continent but not the North Pole?

Why is the South Pole a continent but not the North Pole?

The keyword when defining a continent is the term “landmass.” The Arctic or the North Pole is a sea surrounded by land while the Antarctic or the South Pole is a landmass surrounded by sea. The Antarctic, therefore, meets the criteria to be considered a continent while the Arctic does not.

Is there Earth under the South Pole?

Scientists Found the Deepest Land on Earth Hiding Beneath Antarctica’s Ice. A new mapping effort revealed critical new details of Antarctica’s hidden land. A new map of the mountains, valleys and canyons hidden under Antarctica’s ice has revealed the deepest land on Earth, and will help forecast future ice loss.

Why is Antarctica centered on the South Pole?

A continent is a large-scale land mass surrounded mostly or entirely by oceans. A pole has no area and can’t be seen in real life, it’s just a reference point. Antarctica is a continent, larger than Europe but smaller than South America, that happens to have the South Pole somewhere near the middle of it.

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Has anyone actually been to the South Pole?

On 30 December 1989, Arved Fuchs and Reinhold Messner were the first to traverse Antarctica via the South Pole without animal or motorized help, using only skis and the help of wind. Two women, Victoria E. Murden and Shirley Metz, reached the pole by land on 17 January 1989.

What are the differences between the North Pole and the South Pole?

The difference is that north pole lies in the northern hemisphere, while south pole lies in the southern hemisphere. The North pole is defined as latitude 90 degrees N and the direction of true north. The South pole has latitude 90 degrees S and direction of the true south.

Which is colder Antarctica or the Arctic?

The main reason that Antarctica is colder than the Arctic is that Antarctica is a landmass surrounded by ocean, and the Arctic is an ocean surrounded by landmasses. Antarctica also has a much higher average elevation than the Arctic, and the Antarctic Ice Sheet is bigger and thicker than the ice in the Arctic.

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Are you upside down in Antarctica?

Because you are not upside down in Antarctica. The direction of “up” and “down” varies according to where you are on the earth . . . down is always toward the center of the earth and up is away from the center of the earth.

Who owns South Pole?

The entire continent of Antarctica has no official political boundaries, although many nations and territories claim land there. The South Pole is claimed by seven nations: Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.

Which is worse north or South Pole?

Well, the Poles are polar opposites in other ways too. The Arctic is ocean surrounded by land. The Antarctic is land surrounded by ocean….Really cold, or really, really cold?

Time of year Average (mean) temperature
North Pole South Pole
Summer 32° F (0° C) −18° F (−28.2° C)
Winter −40° F (−40° C) −76° F (−60° C)

Why is there no South Pole on the flat Earth?

Because the flat earth concept does not include a south pole they claim there is no south pole and it can not be found. They claim the point where you could move around and have a compass point away from it in all 360 degrees has not been found, and can not be found, because there is no south pole on a flat earth.

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Is Antarctica a flat Earth?

Antarctica Proves The Flat Earth Deception This website exposes the flat earth deception and proves that the earth is globe shaped. This page provides proof that Antarctica is a continent on the bottom of the globe earth, not an ice ring that surrounds the flat earth.

Can the Polestar be seen from south of the equator?

And they make the observation that the polestar could not be seen from south of the equator on a ball earth. That may or may not be true but certainly is a good point and merits further research. Flat earthers fail to mention that if the earth was flat we could see the polestar all the way down to Antarctica.

What is the South Pole?

Supporting Flat Earth Proofs 106) The so-called “South Pole” is simply an arbitrary point along the Antarctic ice marked with a red and white barbershop pole topped with a metal ball-Earth.