
Are Fred and George Weasley bullies?

Are Fred and George Weasley bullies?

Yes. They relentlessly bully their bothers Ron and Percy, choke Dudley with the toffee for a long amount of time, conduct dangerous experiments with first years, sell date rape drugs and almost kill Montague by locking him into a broken vanishing cabinet without food and water for days.

Is Fred Weasley a drug dealer?

Fred and George are drug lords for sure. (Harry Potter sweets are basically like drugs).

Did Draco think the Weasley twins were funny?

Another change of heart that occurred in the Harry Potter franchise was that of Draco Malfoy. When Fred Weasley died, Draco felt sad that he was the reason. He actually found the Weasley twins quite amusing and enjoyed listening to their jokes.

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What did Umbridge make Fred and George write on their hands?

She forced him to write “I must not tell lies” with a cursed quill that scarred the phrase into his hand permanently. Umbridge was appointed as Hogwarts “High Inquisitor” by the Ministry to evaluate, harass or fire any teacher deemed unsatisfactory by her.

How can you tell the Weasley twins apart?

James Phelps (Fred Weasley)

  1. His face is shorter, and a little bit rounder.
  2. He has a scar on his left eyebrow.
  3. His eyes are not as slanted, and are deeper.
  4. He doesn’t have a bump to his nose, whereas Oliver does.
  5. His top lip is straight, while Oliver’s top lip is curved.
  6. He is the shorter of the two.

Did Fred and George smoke?

George had always been the one to scold you for it. He’d ratted out Fred to Molly which had gotten the poor boy into a great deal of trouble. He’d gone to tell your parents and had found that both of them were incredibly avid smokers.

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Is it true that Draco attended Fred’s funeral?

I did some digging, and looks like just it’s fake. The statement have no source, but people sharing on tumblr and instagram and some clickbait sites.

Why was Draco crying when the bird died?

The bird dying meant he was unsuccessful in repairing the vanishing cabinet, his time waa running out and was afraid Voldemort will kill him and his family. Draco cried when the bird thing died because his plan wasn’t working, he failed and Lord Voldemort would kill him and his family.

How well do you know the Weasley twins?

The Weasley twins’ main attribute was their humorous quality, and they were known to play pranks on everyone. This included their own siblings, rivals, and pretty much anyone they thought would make a good target. The boys were comedians in general, as they came up with jokes on the spot which further stayed true to their characterizations.

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What is the relationship between the Weasleys and Harry Potter?

The Weasleys essentially acted as Harry’s adoptive family, but that doesn’t mean they never engaged in some questionable behavior. The Weasley family is probably the most important family in the Harry Potter franchise.

Who were Fred and George Weasley in Harry Potter?

In Harry Potter, Fred and George Weasley were Hogwarts’ resident pranksters. While some of their gags were hysterical, others were dangerous and mean. In the Harry Potter series, Fred and George Weasley were the biggest comic relief characters.

Which member of the Weasley family is the most bad?

Don’t even get us started on that weird Deathly Hallows argument that saw Ron wander off into the woods. The only member of the Weasley family to truly represent anything actually deep-down bad was Percy Weasley.