
Are regular languages closed under infinite intersection?

Are regular languages closed under infinite intersection?

No. The intersection of an infinite set of regular languages is not necessarily even computable. The closure of regular languages under infinite intersection is, in fact, all languages. The language of “all strings except s” is trivially regular.

Which languages are closed under an infinite union?

The class of regular languages is closed under infinite union.

Are regular languages finite or infinite?

Regular languages all have finite descriptions. But the set of strings in the language can be infinite. For example the language A* consists of all strings containing zero or more A symbols, and nothing else, and is certainly infinite.

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What are regular languages closed under?

Regular languages are closed under union, concatenation, star, and complementation.

Is the infinite union of closed sets closed?

Here is a good example which clearly shows that the infinite union of closed sets may not be closed. consider the usual topology on R, and let C be the collection of all closed sets of the form (−∞,nn+1] where n≥1. Then ⋃C=(−∞,1), which is open. So this union of infinitely many closed sets is open.

What is infinite union?

} is a countable collection of sets, then the union of all is ∪n∈NAn or ∪∞n=1An. So, no limit in there.

Are non-regular languages infinite?

Any language consisting of a finite number of strings is regular. Note that this is exactly the second highlighted statement above, so, since it is logically equivalent to the first statement above, that statement must be true: Every non-regular language is infinite.

Are regular languages closed under reversal?

Since regular languages are closed under complement and union, L1 ∪ L2 = L1 ∩ L2 is a regular language. Let w = s1s2 ···sn be a word over Σ. 4.2: The family of regular languages is closed under reversal.

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What is closed under intersection?

elementary-set-theory. I read this definition: “A collection C of subsets of E is said to be closed under intersections if A ∩ B belongs to C whenever A and B belong to C.”

Is regular language closed under reversal?

Is the infinite union of open sets open?

The union of any number of open sets, or infinitely many open sets, is open. The intersection of a finite number of open sets is open. A complement of an open set (relative to the space that the topology is defined on) is called a closed set.

Why is infinite union of closed sets not closed?

Are regular languages and convex sets closed under intersection?

I.e, both regular languages and convex sets are closed under intersection. In most literature the fact about infinite intersection of convex sets is treated as obvious and not requiring any proofs. Before I learnt the things about regular languages, I would conclude the same about them.

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Is the intersection of infinite number of regular languages regular?

There are two statements well known in Math and Computer Science: Intersection of infinite number of regular languages is not regular. Intersection of infinite number of convex sets is convex. Notice that in both cases, a finite intersection preserves the corresponding property: Intersection of finite number of regular languages is regular.

What are the closure properties on regular languages?

Closure properties on regular languages are defined as certain operations on regular language which are guaranteed to produce regular language. Closure refers to some operation on a language, resulting in a new language that is of same “type” as originally operated on i.e., regular. Regular languages are closed under following operations.

Is the set of all regular languages closed under finite union?

Well, the set of all regular languages contains the singletons and is closed under finite union (by definition) and under complement (a consequence of Kleene’s theorem). It is also known that there are some non-regular languages. Now take any set of subsets of an infinite set containing the singletons,…