
Can I pray namaz with my wife?

Can I pray namaz with my wife?

They can pray salat or namaz in separate room. Wife and husband can do sexual intercourse in same room not salat or namaz in same room.

How do I pray with my wife?

Most people just need ideas to get going, so here are some that can help start your prayer life well.

  1. Pray Over Your Children’s Beds.
  2. Pray As You Part in the Morning.
  3. Think of New Ways to Say Grace.
  4. Pray for a Need Right Then.
  5. Pray During a Conflict.
  6. Take His Hand First Thing in the Morning, While Lying in Bed.

Can a woman pray next to her husband?

If she is standing next to her husband or mahram following him as the imam, both their salah breaks. If there is something in between them, like a chair, or curtain, then it is ok but the sunnah is for her to stand behind. If they are not praying in congregation, then salah is not harmed.

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How do married couples pray together?

Make a list of things you want to pray about together: Start with personal requests; things that involve you, your spouse, your children and your family. Pray conversationally: Some call this “ping pong praying.” Each of you pray short sentence prayers for the first request and then work down through your list.

How can I encourage my husband to pray?

20 ways to pray for your husband:

  1. Pray for his day.
  2. Pray for his health.
  3. Pray for his work.
  4. Pray he will be obedient to the Lord.
  5. Pray Scripture over him (Prov. 3:5-6 is a great place to start!).
  6. Pray specifically for the current situations in your lives.
  7. Pray for the challenges he is facing.
  8. Pray for his fears.

Should a husband and wife pray together?

Praying together strengthens the bond of the marriage: Prayer is also a way to seek God’s wisdom together. As you pray and come to agreements on matters, that discipline then builds unity and strength in the marriage. And prayer is also where you can fight for your marriage together when the difficult days come.

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What do you say before leading Salah?

If salah is performed in congregation / jama’ath , the word ma’mooman is used before saying “lillahi tha’ala” . If you wish you can keep niyyah in your own language of wish as (for eg; “ I am going to perform the farl subah / fajr prayer of two raka’ahs facing the qibla/ Ka’ba in (congregation) for the sake of Allah.

Where should a woman stand when praying in Islam?

If each of them is praying on his or her own, then she may stand wherever she wants, next to her husband or in front of him or behind him, because there is no connection between their prayers. But if she is following him in prayer, then she should stand behind him as is indicated by the Sunnah.

Can a man and his wife pray in Jamaah?

Yes they can pray in Jamaah but she has to stand behind him. Yes the rules of Salah will be the same and nothing will change. In case of a second man, the wife needs to be behind the second man. Same will apply if there is another women, she needs to stand with his wife behind him.

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Should the wife stand behind the husband when reading Namaz?

I know that there’s a Hadith that says the wife should stand behind the husband when reading namaz which is fine. But is there any harm if the husband wanted the wife to read namaz beside him or perhaps the wife wanted to read namaz beside her husband? Ummati ! Ummati ! Ummati !

Is it permissible to offer Tahajjud in other months besides Ramadan?

Also, there is no harm for her to offer Tahajjud with you in other than Ramadan occasionally but not continuously; because Ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them) offered optional night Salah with the Prophet (peace be upon him) and so did Abu Al-Darda’ who offered Salah with Salman (may Allah be pleased with them).