
Can I still wear my retainers after 2 years?

Can I still wear my retainers after 2 years?

A few months or years: Don’t even attempt to wear an old retainer if it’s been several months or years! It’s very unlikely to fit, and it could become stuck, cause pain, and even potentially damage your teeth and tissues. Instead, schedule an appointment with your orthodontist and take your old retainer with you.

Is it bad to wear your retainer after years of not wearing it?

Can You Use An Old Retainer To Restraighten Teeth? If a person doesn’t wear their retainer for a few days, weeks, or even a month, then a retainer will likely still fit and be able to do its job without issue. But, if it has been a few months or even years, the retainer will likely feel too small and be uncomfortable.

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How often should you wear your retainer after 2 years?

You should wear your retainers nightly for at least a year. After that, you can shift your wear to every other night or so. After a few years, most individuals choose to wear theirs at night around three to five times a week.

Can my old retainer re straighten my teeth?

In most cases, wearing an old retainer can realign your smile so long as your teeth have not shifted into an entirely new position. As a rule of thumb, wearing an old retainer should not be an issue so long as it still fits without needing to apply any force while inserting it over your teeth.

How often should you get a new retainer?

A retainer is in the mouth for 6-8 hours nightly. Therefore, we recommend you replace your retainer as often as your toothbrush. Retainer Club offers plans to replace your retainers every 4,6, or 12 months. For the best performance and cleanliness, you should replace your retainers as often as your toothbrush.

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Will my teeth shift back if I wear my retainer again?

If you’ve neglected your retainer for a few weeks or months, be sure to try your retainer on to see if it still fits – if so, it may help undo any shifting that’s occurred since you’ve worn it if new bone tissue hasn’t grown. So the answer to the question, “can retainers move teeth back?” is yes, sometimes.

When can I stop wearing my retainer?

Otherwise, your teeth may shift, especially if you stop wearing your retainer in the first two years after your braces come off. Most people wear their retainer 24/7 for at least 6 months to a year after the braces first come off. Of course, you must take your retainer out to eat or to to brush your teeth.

What happens if I stop wearing my retainers?

If you stop wearing your retainer for a short time soon after your braces are removed (when everything is soft and not settled in) you could experience movement. Also, if your treatment was for a serious condition (like severe crowding or severely crooked teeth) your teeth could also be susceptible to movement.

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Should I Start Wearing my retainer again?

Regarding your question about whether you should start wearing your retainer again: It all depends on how your teeth look. If they look good, and if you do not present any crowding or spacing, and if your wisdom teeth are erupted or extracted, you do not need to go back to the retainer.

What happens when your retainer no longer fits?

Over time, it’s possible that your retainer may stop fitting properly. Usually, this means the retainer has become distorted or misshapen, or that your teeth have shifted, likely due to irregular retainer use. If this happens, you can schedule a visit with your orthodontist for a retainer appointment.