
Can Thai and Khmer understand each other?

Can Thai and Khmer understand each other?

Khmer isn’t mutually intelligible with Thai and Lao just like how French isn’t mutually intelligible with English and Scots. Both Thai and Lao belong to the same language family, the Tai–Kadai language family. Khmer belongs to the Austroasiatic language family which is a different language family altogether.

Do Khmer and Thai use same script?

Thai writing is left to right as same as Khmer, but the main different is Khmer has dub the vowel upper, below, but thai dub it in the right side(similar to English writing).

What language is Cambodian similar to?

More distant relatives to Khmer are the Munda languages (of India), Khasi languages (India), Palaungic languages, Khmuic languages, Pakanic languages, Vietic languages (including Vietnamese), Katuic languages, Nicobarese languages (Nicobar Islands), Aslian languages, and Monic languages (including Mon).

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How many Khmer words are in Thai?

There are 1380 Khmer loanwords in Thai and 344 Thai loanwords in Khmer. In terms of coda, his study found that the change within final consonants of the loanwords is to four consonants, c l h , and other consonants which are allowed in the final syllable of Khmer and Thai.

What language is Khmer?

Khmer language, also called Cambodian, Mon-Khmer language spoken by most of the population of Cambodia, where it is the official language, and by some 1.3 million people in southeastern Thailand, and also by more than a million people in southern Vietnam.

What does Bong mean in Cambodian?

Bong (bong) / “brother” or “sister” Directly translating as “brother”, it is also used for women — although “sister” is bong srei — and can refer to a friend, peer, lover or someone slightly older. In Khmer, bong refers to “brothers”, “sisters”, “friends” and “peers”.

Can Khmer understand Thai and Thai?

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Khmer can understand a little bit of each, but not fully. Thai and Khmer are from different language families, but share a fair amount of words. I’d estimate that there are about 30\% to 40\% cognate between the two languages.

How similar are the Thai and Lao languages?

Both Thai and Lao also borrow heavily from Khmer culture since time memorial and so there are many of shared words between the three languages. Fairly similar. The Khmer piggy backed Sanskrit and made one similar but different from it.

Why do Thai and Laos have Khmer vowels in their letters?

The Khmer piggy backed Sanskrit and made one similar but different from it. Laos and Thai borrowed the Khmer vocab to make their own, similar but entirely different. That why you have Khmer vowels being part of a Thai letter. How can I improve my English writing skills?

What language family does Khmer belong to?

Khmer belongs to the Austroasiatic language family which is a different language family altogether. That being said, all 3 languages were heavily influenced by Sanskrit and Pali (hence, the similarity in the written alphabets and certain words).