
Can you be brain dead and breathe on your own?

Can you be brain dead and breathe on your own?

It can be confusing to be told someone has brain death, because their life support machine will keep their heart beating and their chest will still rise and fall with every breath from the ventilator. But they will not ever regain consciousness or start breathing on their own again. They have already died.

Can a person be brain dead and still have a heartbeat?

A person who is brain dead may appear alive – there may be a heartbeat, they may look like they’re breathing, their skin may still be warm to the touch.

Does your heartbeat in a coma?

In some cases a person can descend into a persistent vegetative state, where the brain has lost its higher functions (including consciousness, self-awareness and personality) but retains involuntary functions such as breathing and swallowing, heart rate and blood pressure.

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What is the difference between brain dead and coma?

Brain death: Irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem. A person who is brain dead is dead, with no chance of revival. Coma: A state of profound unresponsiveness as a result of severe illness or brain injury.

Where is the soul when someone is brain dead?

As soon as a person dies the soul leaves the body to enter the spiritual world. Soul makes the body alive and keeps the body alive – the whole body or part of the body. So, soul of a brain death patient is still in the body till stopping activity of heart.

What is the longest time a brain dead person has been on life support?

twenty years
Several years ago, the autopsy report of a totally brain-dead patient named TK who was kept on life support for nearly twenty years was published in the Journal of Child Neurology. He remains the individual kept on life support the longest after suffering total brain failure.

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Can someone in a coma cry?

A comatose patient may open his eyes, move and even cry while still remaining unconscious. His brain-stem reflexes are attached to a nonfunctioning cortex. Reflex without reflection. Many professionals speak of this condition as a ”persistent vegetative state.

Is life support the same as a coma?

Brain death is not the same as coma, because someone in a coma is unconscious but still alive. Brain death occurs when a critically ill patient dies sometime after being placed on life support. This situation can occur after, for example, a heart attack or stroke.

What is the difference between coma and a stroke?

Stroke : When there is no blood flow to a major part of the brain stem or loss of blood accompanied with swelling, coma can occur. Blood sugar : In people with diabetes, coma can occur when blood sugar levels stay very high.

Is the soul of a person in a coma still there?

The soul of a person in a coma is still there, but mostly the vegetative part of it. You see, there are three aspects of a human soul—the vegetative, the sentient and the rational. The reason a person in a coma is still alive, though unconscious, is because of the vegetative part of the soul.

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What is a coma and how does it affect your body?

It’s easy to think of a coma as a really deep sleep and little else, but the comatose state can actually wreck a person’s body in a number of interesting and, let’s face it, creepy ways. For instance, Medical News Today informs us that it’s perfectly possible to enter a coma that’s so deep that you can’t even breathe properly.

What are the different types of Comas?

According to Medical News Today, there are also certain types of coma, such as ones caused by high blood CO2 levels or low blood sugar, that start with the person getting agitated and increasingly confused before finally passing out.