
Can you fold a piece of paper more than 7 times?

Can you fold a piece of paper more than 7 times?

Yes, absolutely. A piece of paper can, in fact, be folded more than 7 times.

Is it possible to fold a paper 100 times?

With just over 100 folds, the thickness of the paper would be equal to 93 billion light-years. The reason for this is exponential growth. When you perfectly fold the paper in half, you will double its thickness. Folding the paper in half a third time will get you about the thickness of a nail.

Is it possible to fold a paper 12 times?

Such ‘geometric growth’ effects are dramatic: in theory, 26 folds would make the paper thicker than the height of Mount Everest. The current world paper-folding record belongs to California high school student Britney Gallivan, who in 2002 managed to fold a 1.2km-long piece of tissue paper 12 times.

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Why can’ta fold 7 times?

The commonly accepted wisdom is that you can’t fold a single sheet of paper in half more than seven times. The problem with folding paper in half multiple times is that the paper’s surface area decreases by half with each fold. With the assistance of a forklift and steamroller, they get the paper to fold 11 times.

What if you fold a paper 103 times?

If you fold an A4 sheet of paper 103 times its thickness will roughly be the size of the Universe. Turns out, according to Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, if you do this 103 times the sheet’s thickness will be larger than the observable Universe: 93 billion light-years.

Can you fold piece of paper more than seven times?

Because of A paper’s thickness and length it can’t be folded more than 7 times, but because of the equation, theoretically, you just need longer paper to be able to fold it any number of times.

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How folding paper can get you to the Moon?

Well, that’s the power of an exponential, that it lets you turn small things into huge things by simply compounding what you have over and over again. And incredibly, it only takes 42 foldings of a paper to get from the Earth to the Moon, and only about 94 foldings of a paper to make something the size of the entire visible Universe.

How many times Would you fold a paper to reach the Moon?

This is how you can reach moon with just a paper. But a sad fact, you cannot fold a paper more than 7 or 8 times. But who knows you may be the next revolution and to fold a paper for 43 times. So just take a paper and start your trip to the moon.

How many times is it possible to fold a news paper in half?

There is no limit to the amount of times one can fold a piece of paper in half if the paper is large enough. However, because the thickness of the paper grows exponentially, a lot of paper would be needed to make more than 8 folds.[1][2][3]