
Can you survive a fall into water if you break the surface tension?

Can you survive a fall into water if you break the surface tension?

A high fall over water can be survived by throwing a hammer ahead of oneself and breaking the surface tension. Dropping a hammer in front of you may break the surface tension, but it will not save your life because water is still too viscous to move out of the way quickly.

Can you die from surface tension?

They likely will not survive. Up to about 450m, a falling human will most likely still be accelerating to terminal velocity. So your character would still be accelerating and suffer far more damage than the Mythbusters experiments showed. It’s not the surface tension that kills, it’s the change in acceleration.

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What does it mean to break surface tension?

If carefully placed on the surface, a small needle can be made to float on the surface of water even though it is several times as dense as water. If the surface is agitated to break up the surface tension, then needle will quickly sink.

Can you jump 200ft into water?

A daring man named Laso Schaller took it upon himself to jump off a cliff and dive 200 feet into the water in a brand-new viral video that’s burning up the Internet. Schaller reached a speed of 76mph as he hit the water, Gizmodo notes.

Does throwing rocks break surface tension?

Nope. The whole ‘breaking the surface tension’ is a myth. You would splat no matter how many bullets you had. Unless you have a grenade launcher capable of creating vast amounts of gas bubbles in water under you.

What happens when you hit water at high speed?

Hitting water at high speed results in the water not being able to displace (move out of the way as you sink) so it reacts like a solid surface. If you can manage to enter the water straight up and down as opposed to any other position, you can mitigate the impact due to your smaller surface area entering the water.

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Why shouldnt you land on water?

Water landings are much harder than landing on soft ground even with a good parachute opening. Water acts like concrete when you approach it at speed, so with no parachute you would not only break your feet, legs & hip but also become unconscious and drown quickly.

Why is hitting water from a great height like hitting concrete?

Pressures caused by breaking the surface make water act more solid on shorter timescales, which is why they say hitting water at high speeds is like hitting concrete; on those short times, it is actually like concrete!

What happens when you add soap to water?

Adding soap lowers the water’s surface tension so the drop becomes weaker and breaks apart sooner. Making water molecules stick together less is what helps soaps clean dishes and clothes more easily.