
Did Lily actually love Snape?

Did Lily actually love Snape?

Her refusal to do so even though she had a choice is what created the magic that protected Harry. The deep, unrequited love Snape held for Lily for almost all of his life also influenced his Patronus, which took the form of a silver doe – the same as hers, caused him to spy on Voldemort for Albus Dumbledore.

How did Lily feel about Snape?

No, Lily never loved Snape, and he only has himself to blame for losing her friendship. She definitely didn’t love him in a romantic way. But Lily certainly had some affection for Severus, especially as a child.

How did Snape feel when Lily died?

Obviously Snape was upset. And it’s pretty clear why he would. Snape, together with Lord Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, and Albus Dumbledore, was responsible for their deaths. Snape perhaps blames himself more than he should, but he clearly feels guilt over the incident as well.

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Did Lily Potter ever love Snape?

Lily cared for Snape, but she never loved Snape as more than a friend. The possibility for romantic love existed only as a tantalising potentiality which was dashed by Snape’s racism, his penchant for bullying [ 1] (when he and his friends, his fellow Slytherins Mulciber and Avery, were being the bullies), and his love of Dark magic.

Did Snape have a fixation with Lily?

Snape loved Lily his whole life; he genuinely had feelings for her, feelings mingled with guilt at having lead Voldemort to her doorstep. It was unrequited but unconditional love, a major theme in the books, so for him, there was no other woman. It wasn’t a fixation or obssession.

Why did Lily Potter hate her sister Petunia?

Likely partly due to her own jealousy, Petunia would taunt Lily and Snape, demanding that Lily not be Snape’s friend. Snape, who found Petunia and presumably other muggles (and squibs) repugnant, given his propensity for the Dark Arts, despised her and instructed Lily to not care about what her sister thought.

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Is Lily Evans Potter in Snape’s worst memory?

14 Lily Is A Part Of Snape’s Worst Memory. For all her role as the love of Snape’s life, Lily Evans Potter also remains a pretty huge part of Snape’s worst memory in chapter 28 of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, mentioned above.