
Did Sidious ever sleep?

Did Sidious ever sleep?

Humans and other species typically slept at night, and it was considered a necessity for proper functioning and personal performance. Afterwards, Sidious himself did not sleep, determined not to make the same mistake as his master, possibly relying on the power of the dark side of the Force to sustain himself.

Why did Sidious kill Plagueis in his sleep?

When Sidious was convinced that his master will never teach him about the manipulation of midi-chlorians, Sidious killed him in his sleep as he feels that at some point he had learned everything he needed from his master.

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Who did Palpatine kill in his sleep?

Revenge of the Sith Palpatine explains that Plagueis could use the dark side to prevent death and create life, powers unknown to the Jedi. Palpatine then explains that Plagueis was killed in his sleep by his own apprentice who was none other than Palpatine himself.

What did Emperor Palpatine eat?

Emperor Palpatine was known to like chocolate, with the Gracious Government Mix being deemed his favorites.

Do clones need sleep Star Wars?

Clones would sleep in pull-out capsule-like bunks. The bunks were pulled out to allow troopers to sit or socialize. When not in use, or when the troopers were sleeping, the bunks would retract back into the wall. The lockers and dressing areas were under the barracks.

Who was stronger Sidious or Vader?

Sidious is more powerful than Vader- in the suit. Anakin, pre-suit, had the potential to be twice as powerful as Yoda or Palpatine. However, the part of the Force that both the Jedi and Sith primarily pull from, the Living Force, primarily relies on living beings.

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Why didn’t Darth Vader try to kill Darth Sidious?

Vader doesn’t have the charisma or political skill to hold it together. He is in a black suit, after all. The Empire Vader pretty much sacrificed everything for would crumble into factionalism and warlords. If the truth got out, Vader would definitely be assassinated. So, that is why Vader didn’t try to kill Sidious.

Why didn’t Darth Vader use the Force lightning?

Darth Vader was bound to the armor to live, and Sidious could easily kill him by using Force Lightning. Also, his injuries on Mustafar caused him to lose his famous potential. He could not reach the power he was supposed to grow.

Did Darth Sidious have back-up plans?

In addition, Darth Sidious always then seemed to have back-up plans, such as having Dr. Cylo create force-mimicking genetically-modified human-cyborgs take on Vader after the fall of the first Death Star, in which Vader easily defeats Cylo’s creations ( 2015 Darth Vader Comics ).

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How did Darth Vader become a Sith Lord?

Once a heroic Jedi Knight known as Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader was seduced by the dark side and became a dark Lord of the Sith. After severe injuries at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi, locking him in a metal suit, Vader would go on to terrorize the galaxy.