
Did Spinosaurus only eat fish?

Did Spinosaurus only eat fish?

What did Spinosaurus eat? Spinosaurus is thought to have survived primarily on fish, including giant coelacanths, sawfish, large lungfish and sharks, which lived in the dinosaur’s river system, according to Ibrahim.

What does a Spinosaurus eat?


How did the Spinosaurus get food?

Spinosaurus is the largest of all known meat-eating dinosaurs, even larger than Tyrannosaurus rex. Spinosaurus is believed to have primarily fed on large fish. This is based on the elongated skull, spear-like teeth, location of the nostrils on the snout, and its habitat along the North African coast.

What dinosaur can kill a Spinosaurus?

“Whichever one got in the first big bite would have probably won a fight.” In the film it is the Tyrannosaurus that got the first big bite and should have won the fight. Moreover, with a bite force of 3.5-6.5 metric tons the T. rex should have bitten the Spinosaurus head off.

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Did the Spinosaurus eat meat?

Spinosaurus, the Biggest Meat-Eating Dino Ever Discovered, Ate Entire Sharks. The sail-backed predator Spinosaurus is not only the biggest meat-eating dinosaur known, larger than T. rex. According to new research, it may also be the earliest known dinosaur to swim.

What happened to the Spinosaurus?

The Spinosaurus died somewhere between the time of JP3 and Jurassic World. If you see the scene from Jurassic World (2015) when the T-Rex joins the raptors to fight the Indo-Rex. The T-Rex comes right in crashing into the Spinosaurus skeleton placed inside the park.

What was unique about the Spinosaurus?

The Spinosaurus is the largest carnivorous dinosaur that has ever been found! The Spinosaurus’ most distinctive feature was the massive bony fin on its back. This is also known as a sail, and could be up to 7 feet high. The bones of a Spinosaurus’ sail were actually part of its spine.

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What killed T Rex?

T. rex went extinct during the K-T mass extinction, about 65 million years ago. This extinction killed the remaining dinosaurs (not just T. This extinction was probably caused by a catastrophic asteroid colliding with Earth.

Does a Spinosaurus eat meat or plants?