
Did the Emperor know the Horus Heresy was going to happen?

Did the Emperor know the Horus Heresy was going to happen?

As per the new lore, the Emperor did predict the Horus Heresy. In fact, he depended upon it to happen. He didn’t know how exactly it would happen until the events of The Outcast Dead because there were many futures he foresaw and their likelihoods changed depending upon his actions.

What did the Emperor say to Horus?

“Feel the true nature of my power then tell me I am deluded,” roars Horus, in the voice of an angry god. Beads of sweat stand out on the Emperor’s forehead, he steels himself against the pain. “You are deluded,” he says.

Why did Horus turn on the Emperor?

He saw a vision of the future in which the Emperor was worshipped as a god, believed that the Emperor was lying about wanting the Imperial Truth and that being worshipped was the Emperor’s master plan, so he began trying to change the future.

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How did the Emperor react to the burning of Prospero?

He feels betrayed and done wrong. He still thinks Emperor ordered the destruction of Prospero and the execution of Magnus. For that, he would never forgive the Imperium.

Was Horus more powerful than the Emperor?

Despite being powered up by Chaos, Horus wouldn’t stand a chance against his father. The Emperor was WAY more powerful then Horus, and could match Horus if not easily kill him.

How did Horus lose?

According to Egyptian myth, Horus lost his left eye in a struggle with Seth. The eye was magically restored by Hathor, and this restoration came to symbolize the process of making whole and healing. For this reason, the symbol was often used in amulets.

Why did Horus believe Erebus?

If Horus did not accept chaos, he would have died. He thought the future without him that Erebus showed him was a future in which he died. Thus, he saw the only way to avoid that “grimdark” future was to live.

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How was Horus corrupted?

Horus Lupercal was one of the twenty Primarchs created by the Emperor in the earliest days of the Imperium, just after the end of the Age of Strife. But in spite of all of this, he was eventually corrupted by the powers of Chaos and initiated the Horus Heresy against the very Imperium he helped create.

How many Thousand Sons are left?

There only being one thousand Thousand Sons in existence at a point in time is a fact that, tragically, would repeat itself in the future on more than one occasion…

Was fenris destroyed?

In the aftermath of the war, Fenris was saved but devastated and few Imperial defenders were left.

Is there any information on the Emperor’s backstory?

There is a source from 1st Edition Rogue Trader (that being the now-outdated Realm of Chaos: The Lost and the Damned) which details the Emperor’s backstory. It is said that the Emperor’s birth, while a natural process, was actually the result of a scheme created by the wisest and most powerful of living humans at that time; the conclave of Shamans.

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What do we know about the life of the Emperor?

Little is known about the majority of the Emperor’s life; of who he was and what he did before he emerged as the great Emperor of Mankind, only the Emperor himself remembers. [2]

Why is the Emperor The Guardian of mankind?

His immense psychic powers constantly keep the Chaos Gods in the Warp at bay, preventing their intrusion into the material universe and protecting his people throughout the galaxy. [1] The Emperor’s role as guardian of mankind seems to have been predestined for Him.

What would happen to the imperium without the Emperor?

Without the Emperor there would be no Imperium, little space travel, and no protection from the multitude of threats facing mankind. The Emperor knows that to protect his race he must survive as long as necessary for the emerging race of psychic humans to evolve sufficiently.