
Do colleges ask if you are LGBT?

Do colleges ask if you are LGBT?

The UC systemwide Academic Senate recently approved the concept of asking the sexual identity questions when students enroll and not earlier, when they apply as high school seniors, said Robert Anderson, a UC Berkeley professor and Academic Senate chairman.

Why do colleges ask if you’re LGBT?

Schools say they are inquiring into applicants’ sexual orientation to let potential LGBT students know that they are welcome and to provide better services.

Do I have to use the Common App to apply to college?

Students are not required to use the Common App. While the platform is popular, it isn’t the only one for college applications. Many schools allow students to apply online through their websites. Some states have application systems that students can or must use in order to apply to colleges.

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Do I have to answer the Demographics section of commoncommon app?

Common App states the following with regards to the demographics section as a whole: “The questions in this section, while helpful to colleges, are entirely optional, and you’re welcome to move on without answering them. Before you do, please confirm for us that you’ve completed this section to your satisfaction.”

Does the common application help or hurt your chances of acceptance?

Some students worry that the Common Application may actually hurt their chances for acceptance. However, colleges and universities that accept the Common App sign a document stating that they will not favor the traditional, school specific application over other options.

Is the Common App right for You?

There’s no getting around it: the Common App is perfect at saving you time. With high school, work, community service, sports, and, of course, applying to colleges, you can always benefit from something that makes your hectic life just a bit easier.