
Do flat-earth believers have proof?

Do flat-earth believers have proof?

Images from space were final proof, if any were needed. Today’s flat-Earth believers are not, though, the first to doubt what seems unquestionable. The notion of a flat Earth initially resurfaced in the 1800s as a backlash to scientific progress, especially among those who wished to return to biblical literalism.

Is the horizon enough evidence to determine the shape of Earth?

It proves that the basis of all flat-earthers’ beliefs (the horizon appears flat) is insufficient evidence to determine the shape of the earth.” Cool science and logic always win in the end! Jeff makes quite an excellent point in the round vs. flat ‘debate’ that debunks one of the biggest arguments flat-Earthers have.

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What is the flat Earth theory?

The believers in the Flat Earth Theory think that the “Earth is a disc with the Arctic Circle in the center and Antarctica, a 150-foot-tall wall of ice, around the rim.” (Wolchover). Believers claim that the NASA guards protect those ice walls from people that try to climb over and fall from the disc.

Are flat-Earthers genuinely flat?

McIntyre knows first-hand how sincerely flat-Earthers hold their views: he attended the 2018 Flat Earth International Conference in Denver, Colorado. Asheley Landrum, a psychologist from Texas Tech University who was also at the Denver meeting, agrees that flat-Earthers are genuine, and not goofing around.

Do flat-Earthers believe in the theory of gravity?

Many flat-Earthers also reject gravity, with the “UK model” suggesting that the disc is itself accelerating up at 9.8 m/s 2 to give the illusion of gravity. Physicists will scoff at these ideas, but the worrying thing is that they are spreading rapidly and gaining proponents outside America too.

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What does Eddie Bravo do for a living?

Personal life. Bravo briefly had his own podcast, “Eddie Bravo Radio”, from 2012-2015. A known conspiracy theorist, he is part of the 9/11 Truth movement, publicly raising questions about the official story of the September 11 attacks. Bravo also subscribes to the idea that governments have sprayed chemtrails on unknowing civilians.

What do flat-Earth conspiracy theories have in common?

What the flat-Earth theory, the globalist theory, and all other conspiracies have in common is their basis in ideology, not in facts. If conspiracy theories were driven by fact-based evidence, most of them would be relegated to the same historical dustbin as phrenology, the plum-pudding model of the atom, and the geocentric universe.