
Do you believe in destiny or luck answer?

Do you believe in destiny or luck answer?

Answer: No I do not believe in luck/destiny. I believe in hardwork.It is just that hardwork pays later on in life. The harder you work the great is your result.

Do you believe in luck justify your answer?

But believing in luck can serve a useful function. psychologists say. It may help us coping with chance events, such as being involved in an accident, a mugging or natural disaster, as it can help people feel more optimistic when circumstances are beyond their control.

Why do people believe in fate and destiny?

For most people, the concepts of fate and destiny are comforting ideas. They allow them to live their lives however they want and truly believe that something will happen to them regardless of their choices. In a way, it absolves them from any real responsibility for their circumstances.

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What is it called when you believe in luck?

superstition is the belief that particular events bring good or bad luck. Here, I believe that because of luck, events happen -bad or good!

Do You Believe in Destiny and fate?

Do You Believe in Destiny and Fate? Most people believe in destiny. Our strong, possibly unconscious belief in it can catch us by surprise when something either wonderful or terrible happens. The notion makes us feel loved when that fateful event is joyful, and it makes us feel lonely and rejected when the outcome is devastating.

Do you think we live a life according to fate?

We live a life according to fate, but we can overcome our fate as well. When we are doing everything without realizing it, it is fate. But when you find your true consciousness within, you can overcome your fate. And I barely, nay never, use “lol” in an answer, that should say how lowly I think of destiny/ fate.

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What is fate and how is it defined?

Let’s look at the dictionary definitions: Fate: the development of events beyond a person’s control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power. Learn more about the Baha’i Faith live.

Does fate have a hand in the outcome?

This is where I believe that fate either does or does not have a hand in the outcome regardless of our tireless efforts. If it’s in the blue print, then we are victorious, if not, then we just keep on ‘truckin’.