
Have six daughters each of them has a brother how many people are in the?

Have six daughters each of them has a brother how many people are in the?

According to the Mr and Mrs Mustard riddle, they have six daughters which makes the total count to eight people including Mr and Mrs Mustard. Then the riddle says each daughter has one brother. Therefore since they are siblings, they all share the same brother meaning they only have one brother.

Who had six brothers?

Answer: The Barber had six brothers. Why was the Sultan in a hurry?

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What’s the answer to the Mr and Mrs Mustard riddle?

The answer to the Mustard Family Riddle is: nine. The riddle says that “each daughter has one brother,” which has made some people assume that there are six brothers. However, the sisters all share the same brother as they are all sisters, which mean there is one brother.

Who is that with a neck and no head?

The answer to the “who is that with a neck and no head” riddle is “a shirt”. There you have it!

How many brothers did the barber have answer?

six brothers
How many brothers did the Barber have? Answer: The barber had six brothers.

Why was the sultan in a hurry Class 5?

Sultan was in a hurry because he had to go out at noon to give feast to some of his friends.

What has 6 faces but Cannot wear makeup?

Answer: a die(dice) is the answer, it has six faces but dont wear makeup, but 21 eyes but cannot see, that is die.

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What is the name of the fifth son riddle?

So what is Penny’s fifth child’s name? The answer is “What.” Penny’s fifth child’s name is “What.” Yes, although you’d expect the child’s name to be “May,” the answer to the fifth child’s name is actually hidden within the riddle itself.

What has 6 faces but does not wear makeup and 21 eyes?

a die(dice) is the answer, it has six faces but dont wear makeup, but 21 eyes but cannot see, that is die.

How many brothers does each daughter have?

This is because “each daughter” has “one brother.” And we’re told that “Mr. and Mrs. Mustard” have six daughters. This implies that they are the parents of all six daughters, so if each daughter has just one brother, then all six daughters share the same brother.

How many brothers does Mr and Mrs mustard have?

Here’s a look at the answer to the riddle and the answer. The riddle typically reads like this: Mr. and Mrs. Mustard have 6 daughters and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the Mustard family? Are you ready for the answer? Read on below. Here’s the answer: There are nine people in the Mustard family.

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How many daughters does Mr Smith have?

Mr. Smith has 4 daughters. Each of his daughters has a brother. How many children does Mr. Smith have? The answer comes to a similar conclusion — that the daughters share the same brother, so there are five children total.