
How are crop yields measured?

How are crop yields measured?

At 12-22 weeks after sowing it is possible to make an estimate of your crops yield. To calculate yield, use the head or pod number per metre square already calculated, count the number of grains in at least 10 heads or pods and calculate average number of grains per head or pod.

What is record-keeping in agriculture?

Record-keeping refers to keeping, filing, categorizing and maintaining farm financial and production information. Record-keeping can be accomplished through a variety of methods, from a basic hand record-keeping method to an elaborate computerized system. Record analysis refers to evaluating farm records.

Why do farmers keep farm records?

Farm records provide figures for farm planning and budgeting. A farmer making plans to modify any farming activities needs to know what yields can be expected from crops and livestock and what costs and receipts are likely to be received. Farm records tell a farmer how much is being earned.

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How do you maintain yield?

4 Steps to Maintain High Yields Between Growing Seasons

  1. Right source: Matches fertilizer type to crop needs.
  2. Right rate: Matches the amount of fertilizer type crop needs.
  3. Right time: Makes nutrients available when crops need them.
  4. Right place: Keep nutrients where crops can use them.

How can crop yield be improved?

Through the use of fertilizer, the soil will be in the best of conditions and such will ensure that crops planted can yield much better product. Fertilizing should be carried out at during seedling. This will help to provide crops with nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and many others.

How can agriculture increase yield?

What Are The Ways To Increase Crop Yield?

  1. Quality Of Seeds. Agricultural productivity depends on the quality of seeds with which farmers sow their fields.
  2. Field Productivity Zoning.
  3. Monitoring Crops Growth.
  4. Accurate Weather Prediction.
  5. Regular Scouting.
  6. Crop Protection Methods.
  7. Soil Testing & Its Quality.

What are record keeping methods?

Steps to Recordkeeping Method Identifying the transactions. Recording in the journal. Classifying the nature of the transaction. Posting to ledger. Balancing of accounts.

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Why do we need to improve crop yield?

It becomes necessary to increase the crop variety to produce disease-resistance offsprings of the crops. It also helps in providing better and superior varieties based on the quality and quantity of the yield.

How do we increase the yield of crops and livestock?


  1. By including better crop management like mixed farming, crop and fodder yield.
  2. By improved varieties of seeds and cropping practices.It can improve the yield of crops which indirectly provides improved food for livestock.

How will you improve the crop yield and quality of the crop?

By improving the crop variety through cross-breeding and hybridization, the crop yield can be increased. The crop becomes resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses. For short-duration crops, the early maturing varieties can fit the crop into multiple cropping varieties.

Why is there need to improve the yield of crops?

Why is record-keeping important on a CSA farm?

Ann Stone, who runs Elmwood Stock Farm, a family-owned, organically certified CSA farm in Georgetown, Ky., has learned the importance of record-keeping over the years for keeping her crop healthy and her business thriving. “Some varieties of lettuce handle heat better than others; some handle cold worse than others and will tip-burn.

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What is record-keeping and why do you need it?

Record-keeping can ease the transition to organic certification and is necessary to maintain it. Farming is full of experiments. By taking notes, you can keep track of what worked and what didn’t. You can observe trends in weather, pests, production and more over time.

Why should I record my plot location and planting date?

Recording plot location and planting date will help you make future plot-rotation plans; plus, knowing the bloom or fruit date enables you to plan for harvests in subsequent years. Be sure to take note of plant traits so you can determine what land-management actions to take, such as adding amendments or implementing pest control.

Why do you calculate yield per crop?

Knowing yield per crop in our system helps to gauge how much to plant of an item the following season. Some varieties sell better at farmers’ market over others, such as green lettuces, [which] is a better seller than red lettuce.