
How can I fill my surname and name in passport?

How can I fill my surname and name in passport?

For instance, if you have filled in your surname as and your given name as, the same will appear on your passport as: Surname: JAIN Given Name: PIYUSH KUMAR Note: • In case you do not use a surname – leave the “Surname” column blank and write your full name in “Applicant’s Given Name” column.

What is my given name and surname?

According to the dictionary, “a given name is a person’s first name, which they are given at birth in addition to their surname.” Whereas the surname is “the name borne in common by members of a family.” The surname is a hereditary name, which is common to all (or most) members of the family.

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What is first name and last name in passport example?

In the passport, there are only two parts to furnish the name of the passport holder. The “surname” appears first. The actual name comes next under “Given name”. Different systems are followed in India in giving a name to a person.

How do you write full name on passport?

The full name as it should appear in the Passport should be furnished here….Name in Passport

  1. No initials should be written, they should be expanded.
  2. No honorifics, titles such as Major, Doctor etc should be written.
  3. Surname could have two words like Roy Choudhary or Das Gupta.

Is my surname my first name?

Your first name is the first of the names that were given to you when you were born. You can also refer to all of your names except your surname as your first names.

How do I fill my surname with first name and middle name?

Generally, the following convention is followed for filling up the different name fields for any bank form or similar forms:

  1. You can fill your name in the First Name field.
  2. You can fill your family surname in the Last Name field.
  3. You need to fill your father’s name in the Middle Name field.
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How do you write a full name?

The correct format to be used in all Government issued documents are First name(Given name) Middle name followed by Last name (family name or father’s name). Always expand your initials and mention your full name in all the documents else you will end up with different names on different documents.

Can we put initial in surname?

If you use a surname you must furnish the same here. No initials should be written and all initials (if any) in the applicant’s name should be expanded. No honorifics, titles such as Major, Doctor etc should be written. Surname could have two words like Roy Choudhary or Das Gupta.

How do you write your name starting with a surname?

First name will always be your birth name. Surname is second name, mostly your fathers name. Sometimes family name is also added as second surname. In either case, in the USA and elsewhere, you will be addressed or noted as in your 1st or 2nd surname only as the case may be.

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