
How can I get my neighbor to split the cost of my fence?

How can I get my neighbor to split the cost of my fence?

Would you be interested in splitting the costs of replacing the fence?” (Introduce myself) “It looks like our shared fence is going to fall over in a year or so. Would it be OK if I have it replaced?” (I would be comfortable covering the costs of replacing the entire fence myself.)

What is the Good Neighbor Law?

The “Good Neighbor Fence Act” of 2013 states: “Adjoining landowners are presumed to share an equal benefit from any fence dividing their properties and, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties in a written agreement, shall be presumed to be equally responsible for the reasonable costs of construction, maintenance, or …

Who has to replace the fence?

Normally, the householder who owns the fence is responsible for maintaining and repairing it. However, if any damage is caused to your fence by your neighbours, then it’s their responsibility to meet the costs of putting the problem right.

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Who is responsible for boundary fence?

Title Plans A T mark on one side of the boundary indicates that the person on that side is responsible for the fence. If there’s a T on both sides of the boundary, this is called a party boundary, which means both you and your neighbour are responsible for it.

Can I build a fence right next to my neighbors fence?

You best option is to ask them to join your new fence to it and get a simple contract to protect yourself. Either that or put up all four sides in your property. You may also need to get a permit or permission from city/municipal/HOA depending on your location.

How do you know which fence is your responsibility?

Title plans are one of the best ways to see which fence belongs to your property. Title plans may feature a ‘T’ mark showing many of your property’s boundaries, and who is responsible for maintaining them. A T mark on one side of the boundary indicates that the person on that side is responsible for the fence.

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What is a hate fence?

A spite fence is a fence (whether a division fence or otherwise) built maliciously, with the sole purpose or intent of annoying, injuring, or spiting an adjoining owner (commonly a neighbor). For example, a spite fence might block the neighbor’s view or obstruct the passage and enjoyment of light or air.

Can my Neighbour lean things against my fence?

It’s simple: you can only do this if your neighbour says you can. If you lean something against or hang something on your neighbour’s fence without permission and the extra burden on the panels causes damage to the fencing (which is very likely to happen sooner or later), you will have to pay for the repairs.