
How can we improve our country?

How can we improve our country?

Five Easy Steps to Develop a Country

  1. Share resources. Obviously, the fewer resources an average family uses, the lower the nation’s ecological footprint.
  2. Promote education.
  3. Empower women.
  4. Negotiate strategic political relations.
  5. Reform the systems of food and aid distribution.

What can a nation do to improve its economy?

Infrastructure spending is designed to create construction jobs and increase productivity by enabling businesses to operate more efficiently.

  • Tax Cuts and Tax Rebates.
  • Stimulating the Economy With Deregulation.
  • Using Infrastructure to Spur Economic Growth.

How can India become a superpower?

India is considered one of the potential superpowers of the world. This potential is attributed to several indicators, the primary ones being its demographic trends and a rapidly expanding economy and military. In 2015, India became the world’s fastest growing economy with a 5\% estimated GDP rate (mid year terms).

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How can India become a developed nation Class 10?

There are several factors in which we have to work on, some of these are: Lack of proper healthcare, drinking water, sanitation and nutrition especially in rural areas. India needs to develop facilities to improve on these parameters so that it can become a developed nation.

What can be improved in the world?

7 Ways to Make the World a Better Place

  • Volunteer your time at local schools. Whether you have a school-age child or not, children are the future of this world.
  • Recognize the humanity of other people, and respect their dignity.
  • Use less paper.
  • Drive less.
  • Conserve water.
  • Donate to clean water charities.
  • Be generous.

How can India improve its GDP?


  1. Boost consumption demand.
  2. Boost investment demand.
  3. Private sector is constrained at present.
  4. Govt needs to play critical role in boosting investment.
  5. States also need to increase investments.

How can a country improve its standard of living?

  1. Invest in technology, human capital, and physical capital.
  2. Provide incentives of a market-oriented economic context.
  3. Work to reduce government economic controls on market activities.
  4. Deregulate the banking and financial sector.
  5. Reduce protectionist policies.