
How can we prevent soil erosion in hilly areas?

How can we prevent soil erosion in hilly areas?

Following steps are taken to control the soil erosion in hilly areas: (i) Contour ploughing: this refers to ploughing along contour lines. (ii) Terrace farming: construction of steps along the hilly areas by cutting the rock layers to reduce the flow of rivers. (iii) Plugging of gullies to prevent gully erosion.

What steps can be taken to control soil erosion in hilly areas 5 marks?

In hilly areas, soil erosion can be controlled by ploughing across countour lines, making use of terrace farming techniques and using strips of grasses to check soil erosion by wind and water.

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What steps can be taken to control soil erosion in the hilly areas and arid areas Class 10?

The steps taken to control the erosion of soil in hilly areas are through the contour plowing, Terrance farming, plugging of gullies to prevent erosion. Other steps include the afforestation and checking the shifting cultivation.

What steps can be taken to control soil erosion in the hilly areas 30 words answer?

In the hilly areas, soil erosion can be controlled by ploughing across contour lines, making use of terrace farming techniques and using strips of grass to check erosion by wind and water.

What are the steps taken to control soil erosion?

(i) Ploughing along the contour lines can decelerate the flow of water down the slopes. This is contour ploughing. (ii) Steps can be cut out on the slopes maping terraces. Terrace cultivation restricts erosion.

What are 4 ways to reduce erosion?

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By applying some relatively simple steps, you can control and prevent soil erosion! The four most common soil erosion prevention methods are vegetation, geotextiles, mulch, and retaining walls.

What are the best plants to prevent erosion?

Small shrubs can help retain soil and, because of their deeper roots, help keep the soils stable at a deeper level than ground cover alone. Sagebrush, sunflowers and clumping grasses like buckwheat can create good shrubs that help prevent erosion (like poppies, elders and goldenbrush).

How do plants stop erosion?

Stop soil erosion by amending your soil, protect your soil by mulching heavily, and plant more plants whose roots help keep soil and nutrients in place. Trees and shrubs can be an attractive solution to preventing soil erosion, but they can also be functional.

What are the harmful effects of soil erosion?

Some of the greatest effects of soil erosion include: Loss of topsoil: Obviously, this is the biggest effect of soil erosion. Because topsoil is so fertile, if it is removed, this can cause serious harm to farmer’s crops or the ability to effectively work their land.