
How competitive are Indian software developers compared to other countries?

How competitive are Indian software developers compared to other countries?

India has a larger proportion of developers with a college major in a CS related field as compared to the entire world or the other top 3 responding countries. India has a much younger developer population as compared to the other groups. They are competitive and they are ambitious.

Are Indian developers really that interested in coding?

Indian developers are just as interested in coding as any other developer group. But even then, it is a reality that a large proportion of the cheap outsourcing work is done by developers from India. So, why is it that such a large proportion of India developers are kept away from the top paying jobs?

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Why is mobile development so popular in India?

India has a larger proportion of developers with a college major in a CS related field as compared to the entire world or the other top 3 responding countries. India has a much younger developer population as compared to the other groups. They are competitive and they are ambitious. Mobile development has a unique appeal in India.

Why are Indian developers paid so low?

This probably results in Indians mainly contributing to the younger workforce of companies, occupying mostly the entry-level jobs, which are probably paid lesser than the more experienced roles. This is also probably a factor in the low average salaries of developers from India.

Why are there so many good programmers from India?

There are high rate of autistic people in India and this is the reason why many good programmers are from India. Programmers like to do repetitive task such as finding bugs, testing software where Asperger or HFA people can do this tasks without feeling bored.…/5-great-…/