
How did Akbar control the Mansabdars?

How did Akbar control the Mansabdars?

He established the system of Mansabdari and Jagirdari. Akbar made it necessary for the Mansabdars to be present in front of him at an interval of time. For the jagirdars, he made an arrangement for transferring their jagirs, due to which they could not establish their control over the land and people.

Who were Mansabdars and Jagirdars for Class 7?

Option A: Mansabdars were those who held a mansab (rank). Mansabdars were paid in both cash and land. Those who were paid in the form of land were known as Jagirdars.

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What role did Mansabdars and Jagirdars play?

They were paid a good amount of money. Those Mansabdars, who were paid in cash, were called Naqdi. Those Mansabdars who were paid through land (Jagirs) were called Jagirdars. No mansabdar could hold on to the said Jagir for a long term as they were liable for transfer.

What was the Mansabdari system of Akbar?

The Mansabdari system was the administrative system introduced by Akbar in Mughal Empire during 1571. The word ‘Mansab’ is of Arabic origin meaning rank or position. Hence, Mansabdari was a system of ranking the government officials and determined their civil & military duties, along with their renumerations.

What did mansabdars do?

The mansabdars were nobles, high civil or military officials, provincial governors or military commanders who had the right to hold jagir, or revenue assignment for services rendered by then. This system was also used as a grading system by the mughal to fix ranks, salary and military responsibilities.

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What were the duties of the mansabdars Class 7?

The mansabdars were assigned to military responsibilities. For this they maintained a specified number of sowar or cavalrymen. The mansabdar brought his cavalrymen for review, got them registered, their horses branded and then received money to pay them as salary.

Who were the Jagirdars during the reign of Akbar?

Solution(By Examveda Team) This feudal system of land ownership is referred to as the jagirdar system. The system was introduced by the Sultans of Delhi from the 13th century onwards, was later adopted by the Mughal Empire, and continued under the British East India Company.

Who is known as Jagirdars?

Explanation: Those Mughal officers who received their salarly by way of land grants (Jagir) were known as Jagirdars. Thus Jagirdars were holders of land assignments in lieu of judicial and police duties. They were holders of revenue rights without obligation to perform any duty other than revenue collection.

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Who are Jagirdars during the reign of Akbar?

How did the mansabdars get their salaries?

Answer: Mansabdars were the patrons who joined Mughal services. They received their salaries as revenue assignments. This was called jagir. This revenue was collected for them by their servants, while the mansabdars themselves served in some other part of the country.

Who were the mansabdars How did they receive their salary from the emperor?

Mansabdars received salaries as revenue assignments called jagirs. And unlike muqtis, all mansabdars did not reside in their own jagirs but used servants to collect revenues there while they themselves served in another part of the empire.

Who were mansabdars answer?

Complete answer: The mansabdars were nobles, high civil or military officials, provincial governors or military commanders who had the right to hold jagir, or revenue assignment for services rendered by then. This system was also used as a grading system by the mughal to fix ranks, salary and military responsibilities.