
How difficult is it to learn Portuguese?

How difficult is it to learn Portuguese?

Learning Portuguese vocabulary isn’t as hard as you might think. It takes time and practice, but you’ll find there are a lot of Portuguese words and phrases that are connected with expressions you already know.

How many years does it take to learn Portuguese?

How long does it take to learn Portuguese? According to the FSI list, mastering Portuguese to a fluent level takes the same amount of time as Spanish, with 600 hours of study during six months.

Is Portuguese the easiest language to learn?

If you use the right resources for you, learning Portuguese will be so easy. They’ve labeled it as Category 1, meaning it’s one of the easiest languages to learn! In this article, we’ll examine what factors might make the Portuguese language hard to learn and how to overcome those challenges.

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What is the best way to learn Portuguese?

Immersion works because the best way to learn Portuguese is to hear it and practice speaking it every day in the context of your normal life. When people talk about immersion, what they really mean is learning by doing – to get away from an academic approach and live the language.

How long would it take Me to learn Portuguese?

Therefore, according to FSI findings, Portuguese is in Language Group I and it will take you around 575-600 hours to learn it. This study can be used to help you estimate how many hours it will take you to learn Portuguese and calculate how many weeks–or months, or years–based on how much time you want to dedicate per week.

Is Portuguese a language worth learning?

Thus, Portuguese is quite a valuable language and learning it can prove to be rewarding, especially for those traveling to or planning to move to a European country. Like French, Italian and Spanish, Portuguese also happens to be quite a romantic language as well, which is another reason why people might want to learn it.

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How hard is it to learn Portuguese?

The Foreign Service Institute lists Portuguese among its Category I languages – the easiest – along with Spanish, French, and Italian, to name a few. They estimate it should take around 600 hours to learn, but, again, all of this is completely subjective and really matters rather little for your personal experience.